Chapter 26

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Zayn's POV:

The pain in my ankle wasn't unbearable anymore, thank god.  Honestly, I was a little annoyed with Liam and Paul to begin with.  Liam made too much of it, then Paul had to go all daddy on me.  I knew it was just a sprain, but they both refused to listen. 

 As soon as we got back to London, Becca insisted that I join them at the penthouse, to make sure I "took it easy".   I didn't argue, Perrie was in Germany for a few days anyway and I hated being at home alone.  All of us went straight to bed when we got to the penthouse, trying our best to fight the impending jet lag.

It was almost midnight when I woke up.  Finally, I realized that I wasn't going to stand a chance against Harry's snoring, so I decided to stop fighting the growling of my stomach.  I quickly pulled a t-shirt on over my sweats and stumbled toward the kitchen.  The closer I got the more I could hear the giggling and whispering.  I turned the corner and leaned against the doorway, smirking at the sight infront of me.

Becca was sitting on the counter, her legs wrapped tightly around Louis' waist. He pressed a strawberry to her lips and just as she went to take a bite, he pulled it away.  "Would you stop," she whined. "You're being a tease."

"A tease?" he asked, faking hurt.  "I'm hardly a tease!"

"Then give it to me," she pouted.

"Hmm," he chuckled.  "That could be taken in many different ways."

"You're a pervert," she giggled and gave in, just grabbing another strawberry from the bowl next to him.  

"You love it," Louis chuckled, pressing his face into her neck.

I cleared my throat and moved into the room.  "You're making me nauseous."

"Shutup," Louis looked up at me.  "Thought you were sleeping?"

"I was," I sat on the bar stool across from him.  "I'm starving."

"How's the ankle?" Becca asked as Louis moved back to the mixing bowl beside her.

"It's alright," I sighed. "Doesn't hurt as much anymore."

"That should teach you to get sloshed again," Louis replied, grabbing a frying pan out of the cabinet and putting it on the burner.  "Want some pancakes?"

"Sure," I nodded.  "And I actually wasn't that drunk."

He chuckled and shot me a look.  "Have we just met?"

I blushed and smirked. "Alright, alright.  Yeah, I was hammered."

"Everyone gets insanely drunk at some point," Becca shrugged and hopped off the counter, standing to her feet.

"Oh really?" Louis turned to her with a grin.  "Let's hear about your experiences."

"It involved a wedding ring," she grimaced.  "I'm gonna go shower." She pecked a kiss on his nose.

"You don't want pancakes?"

She shook her head. "I told you I wasn't really hungry, babe."

"Alright then," he shrugged and kissed her. "If I wasn't starving I'd join you."

I gave her a nod as she walked past me and left the room.  Louis laid a plateful of pancakes infront of me, then scooted the butter dish towards me.  "Thanks, mate."

"No problem," he reached into the cabinet and pulled out a bottle of maple syrup, then handed it to me.

"I need peanut butter," I smirked.

Emotional Traffic Series:  Look After You (Louis Tomlinson Fic)Where stories live. Discover now