Chapter 3

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Niall’s POV:

Becca and I walked through the grocery store aisles, her pushing the cart behind me while I filled it up. It was a pretty quiet day, not many people noticing me.  It probably helped that I kept my hat and sunglasses on inside the store. 

“Niall,” she said softly.  “Do you think you have enough?”

“Enough?” I asked, throwing two more bags of crisps into the cart. “You can never have enough crisps.” I turned around once more and took off, her walking behind me. 

“Are you always so talkative?” she asked.

“No.” I turned to her and smiled, noticing that the cart was all filled up.  “We can go now,” I said. “All this should last until tomorrow.

“Tomorrow?” her eyes widened. “You plan on eating all of this tonight?”

I laughed at her, shrugging my shoulders. “Depends.”

“Oh boy,” she pushed the cart into a checkout lane and started putting the groceries up on the belt.

“So why did you want to work with us?” I asked, picking up a magazine that had Harry on the cover, something about him sleeping around again. 

“I just needed a change,” she replied as the cashier rang everything up.  I put the magazine down and moved to stand next to her. 


“Because my life has been pretty shitty lately,” she explained, shoving her wallet back into her purse.


She gave me a look and I realized that maybe I was overstepping, but I think I deserved to know. I mean…this is a 26 year old American girl who’s never really been a manager.  If she was going to be in charge of my career, I deserved to know. 

“Well?” I pushed the cart out the door and toward the Range Rover that Simon had given her keys to.   Of course I did the driving, because she didn’t really have a sense of direction here yet.

“Well,” she sighed, helping me load the groceries into the back. “My mom died just over a month ago.”

“Oh no,” I widened my eyes at her, feeling horrible for her. “I’m sorry.”

“Thanks,” she forced a half smile and closed the back hatch while I pushed the cart out of the way.  “So, among that and a few other things, I just needed a change of scenery and a job.”

I climbed into the driver’s seat and started the car, then started down the road back to the penthouse. “Sorry if I’ve been rude,” I explained. “I’m just….starving.”

“So I’ve heard,” she replied, pulling her phone out of her purse and thumbing through it.


Becca’s POV:

By the time we got back from the grocery store, Liam and Zayn had already left for the night, they promised they would check in the next day.  Louis and Harry helped Niall put most of the groceries away while I snuck away to take a quick shower, before cooking them dinner. 

I had made them a pot of spaghetti, garlic bread, and a salad.  I guess Niall wasn’t lying, he really was starving.  He had 3 helpings, along with the bag of crisps that he ate before dinner was even done cooking. 

“Thanks for dinner,” Harry smiled sweetly, bringing me a few more plates from the table while I made up some dish water.  “It was delicious.”

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