Chapter 10

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Louis' POV:

Becca closed the door in my face.

Still, that's all I can think about.  Even almost 16 hours later, that's all I can think about.  I guess I could understand the guilt she was feeling or was it embarrassment?   I should probably be feeling more guilty.  I had sex with my manager, yeah I should definitely be ashamed, but I'm not.  

She had text me earlier in the morning, asking me not to tell the boys what had happened.  I did my best to assure her that I had never been the type to brag about another notch on my belt.

Instead, I was finding myself even more intrigued.  There was something about her, something that she hadn't shared.  Why was she so guarded?  I knew that she was divorced, but what exactly had he put her through?  There is so much more to this!

We were at the photo-shoot for our new album cover.  I was sitting in a chair, while Lou worked on my hair. Harry sat across from me with Lux perched in his lap, shoving cheerios into his mouth.  She let out the cutest little giggle every time he would make a ‘num num’ sound against her fingers.

“Ya know,” Harry looked up from Lux and grinned at me.  “This little girl is far too cute to be related to that stylist girl that works for us.”

 “True. I mean, how could that baby be so beautiful and be the daughter of….that?” I chuckled, then felt a handful of my hair tugged backwards.  “Hey!” I laughed. “That hurt!”

“Good,” Lou moved to stand infront of me with a smirk, then turned to Harry.  “Keep it up, Curly,” she wagged her finger.  “I have plenty of makeup to cover up the black eye I’m going to give you.”

Harry made a shocked face and looked at Lux. “Did you hear that, baby girl! Your mommy is threatening to hurt your Uncle Harry!” Lux simply giggled and mashed her hands back into her mouth.

“So, how’s it going with Becca?” Lou asked as she started to apply makeup to my face.

“Really well,” Harry replied. “I really like her.”

“You really like her or you think she’s really hot?” Lou raised an eyebrow at him.

“Both,” he said with a cheeky grin.

“Niall was bragging about how good of a cook she is,” she said with a giggle. “Of course, that’s all that matters, right?”

“She is a good cook,” Harry shrugged.

I trailed off, no longer paying attention to their conversation.  I was too busy watching Becca in the distance, as she went over paperwork and layouts with the photographers.  She was dressed in a pink blouse, black jeans, with a pair of pink heels. There was always something about her jeans…the way they snuggly clung to her thighs and legs.  The legs that were so tightly wrapped around me the night before when-

“Louis!” I caught one of Lux’s cheerios in the middle of my forehead.

“Sorry,” I shook my head and looked at Harry. “What?”

“What are you looking at?” he raised an eyebrow and turned to look over his shoulder.

“I was looking at the phone booth,” I lied.

“Mmmmhmmm….” He made a face.


Niall's POV:

I hate photo shoots.  Seriously, loathe them.  It's pointless, we stand sit in a room for 6+ hours getting makeup caked onto our faces and changing our clothes a bajillion times, not to mention being blinding by the bright ass flash from cameras.  To me, it's the biggest waste of time.

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