Chapter 6

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Becca’s POV:

The boys had a photoshoot the next day.  Since it was in the afternoon, I decided to let them sleep in.  So, after making some coffee, I sat down on the couch with my laptop to do something I had been putting off for too long; check my email.

After scanning through a few of them, I remember why I hadn’t wanted to check it in the first place.  Messages ranging from:

Where are you? Answer your phone! You can’t disappear, Rebecca! How dare you! Fucking call me, you selfish, ungrateful bitch! Please come back home, I miss you.

Every single one of them was from one person, the one person that I was trying to hard to get away from: Eric.  I didn’t even bother to respond, instead I began deleting every single last one of them.

I was jolted from my concentration when I heard someone coming down the hallway, I looked up to find a bare chested Harry.  He still had pillow face and his curls were an absolute disaster!

“Good morning, sunshine.” I looked over the back of the couch and smile at him.

“Morning,” he mumbled trying to tame his curls with his fingers. “I need coffee.”

I grabbed my cup from the end table and followed him into the kitchen.

“You’re up early,” he pointed out, pouring himself a cup.

“So are you, though,” I retorted.

“I never have been a day sleeper,” he explained. “Usually up with the sun, so basically…I slept in.”

“Well good.  That’s what I wanted you to do.”

“Besides, I sleep much better when I have someone to cuddle,” he added with a smirk.

“Well then, maybe we’ll have to get you a teddy bear.” I shrugged.

“Or, you could be my teddy bear.” He grinned, cheekily.

“Not gonna happen,” I shook my head with a giggle.

“What? Are you not a fan of cuddling?”

The doorbell rang and I moved to answer it.  “Not with fetuses,” I called over my shoulder.

“Fetus!?” he laughed. “Come on!”

I was still laughing when I opened the door, finding a tall, petite brunette on the other side. “Umm…hi. Can I help you?” I raised an eyebrow.

“Hi,” she forced a smile. “Is Louis’ here?”

“He’s sleeping.”

“Would you mind waking him?” she asked, tucking her brown hair behind her ear. “I need to speak with him.”

“Oh, well…I guess-“

“No,” Harry appeared behind me and grabbed the door. “He’s sleeping, Eleanor.”

The girl sighed and shook her head.  “Harry, please?”

“Don’t ‘please’ me,” he replied. “Just give him his space.”

“I need to talk to him…it’s regarding the flat, Harry.”

“I’ll tell him to call you,” he replied, trying to close the door but she reached out to hold it.

“I’ve tried calling and texting, he hasn’t answered.”

“Wonder why,” he scoffed. “I’ll try to get him to contact you,” Harry shut the door in her face, then turned to look at me, shaking his head.

Emotional Traffic Series:  Look After You (Louis Tomlinson Fic)Where stories live. Discover now