Chapter 20

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Louis' POV:

I woke up the next morning and found my arms empty.  When I looked at the clock I found that it was just past 6:30am and the sun was coming up outside.  My phone was on the nightstand and was vibrating like crazy, which was probably the reason that I had woke up.

"Hello," I mumbled into it.

"Good morning darling."

"Hi mum," a smile formed on my lips. 

"How are you?"

"Pretty good," I stretched and adjusted the pillow behind my head.  "How are you and my girls?"

"We're all fine," she replied.  "We just miss you like crazy!"

"I know," I sighed, feeling guilt over come me.  It had been almost a week since I had called, ontop of that I hadn't visited in almost 2 months.  My mum didn't even know that me and Eleanor had broken up.  I'm sure she had seen it in the tabloids and all that, but she never listened to any of that.  She always swore that unless it came from my mouth it was 'rubbish'. 

"How is LA, love?" she asked. "The girls are so excited to watch the VMA's on Thursday!"

"It's okay.  We've been too busy to really explore anything."

"I talked to Anne, she said you boys have got a new manager.  How come you didn't mention it?"

"Oh, I don't know," I shrugged.  "Not really that big of a deal."

"Well, is he better than the last?"

"She," I corrected her.  "Her name's Becca...she's amazing.  Really ontop of things."

"That's great. I know you've just woken up, so I won't keep you.  I was just beginning to get worried since I hadn't heard from you.  Lottie was becoming concerned...she had a dream that you were murdered."

"Oh god," I laughed. "She text me that yesterday, I told her to stop watching scary movies."

She laughed. "I told her the same thing.  I love you, darling.  Try and keep in touch with your mother, okay?"

"I will," I sighed.  "I'm sorry, mum.  Just lots of things going on."

"I haven't even heard from Eleanor! Did she go to LA with you?"


"Is she still in London?"

"I don't know."

"You don't know?" she questioned, starting the conversation that I had been dreading.  My mum had always adored Eleanor...almost as much as I did.

"Mum, I really don't want to-"

"Oh boy, I'm not really sure that I want to know. I saw the stories and was starting to fear that it was true....especially since you haven't denied it."

"Hmm," I hummed as I heard the shower turn off in the bathroom.  I sat up in bed, resting my elbows on my knees.

"I love you regardless.  I hope you're okay, I know how you felt-"

"I'm fine, mum. I promise.  Trust me, it's for the best."

"Okay," she said.  I could hear the disappointment in her voice and it stung a little bit.  I always hated disappointing her.

"I love you."

"I love you too, son.  Have fun and be safe."

"Will do."

"Bye now."

I put my phone back on the nightstand just as Becca crossed the threshold of the bathroom door. "Hey," she said softly, holding the white towel across her chest. "I didn't mean to wake you. I was going to let you sleep until atleast 7."

Emotional Traffic Series:  Look After You (Louis Tomlinson Fic)Where stories live. Discover now