Chapter 4

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Louis' POV:

Breakfast was pretty good, but I couldn't avoid the glances that Becca kept giving me. I could tell she was concerned. Which was great, because bringing attention to what had happened is exactly what I wanted! Fuck!

"Okay, so now, you push this big green button that says 'start'." I looked up from my spot at the dining table to find Harry teaching Niall how to start the dishwasher.

"I could have figured that out," Niall shrugged. "Thanks though, smartass."

"You're welcome." Harry smiled, pushing his curls out of his face and turning back to grab his cup of coffee off the counter.

Liam was sitting across from me, his face buried in his phone, the way it had been for days now. I turned toward the living room, finding Zayn and Becca out on the balcony chit chatting while they smoked.

"I'm bored." Niall muttered, pulling himself up to sit on the counter.

"I think I'll take Becca out on the town," Harry replied, sipping from his cup. "Help her get familiar with London," he smiled cheekily.

"You don't stand a chance," Liam replied, not looking up from his phone. "She's too old for you."

"Hey! Older women have dated me, remember?"

"Oh yeah," I nodded. "How could we forget Rat-Face Flack?"

Niall looked at me and started laughing. "Straight hoe!"

Harry shook his head at the two of us, blushing. "Say what you want...I still shagged her."

"Good for you," Liam replied. "Trust me, I'm sure you weren't the first or the last."

"Liam," Niall jumped from the counter and moved to pat him on the shoulder. "Are you okay? You've been a bit grumpy lately."

Liam looked to me, as if I would have the words for him. I simply shrugged, Liam turned his head to nod at Niall. "Just tired, that's all."

I turned around in my chair again when I heard the door to the balcony open. Becca and Zayn stepped back inside.

"Finish your cancer sticks?" Niall asked.

"Shut it, Horan," Zayn replied, stretching his arms over his head. "I ate too much, now I'm tired."

Becca moved back into the dining room and patted Niall's cheek. "So...what now, boys?"

"Honestly," Liam looked up and forced a smile. "Would you mind if I headed back home? I've got something to take care of."

"Of course, hun." She smiled. "Thanks for coming over for breakfast."

Liam stood to his feet and embraced her in a gentle hug. "Thanks for cooking, it was really good." He started toward the door and then turned to the rest of us. "See you lads tomorrow."


Becca's POV:

After Liam left, the rest of the boys convinced me to let them show me around London. The 5 of us had lunch at an amazing café downtown. Zayn and Harry had took off shortly afterwards, something about tattoos.

I had a blast with Niall, he really enjoyed showing me around all the various stores that he liked to shop at. Before we knew it, it was already past 4pm and we decided to head back home.

I still couldn't help but worry about Louis, he was fine throughout the morning, but during lunch he had gotten a phone call and hadn't been acting right since. From what I had heard about him, he was always the life of the party and loved to talk and joke. That definitely wasn't the boy that I had encountered.

Emotional Traffic Series:  Look After You (Louis Tomlinson Fic)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ