Dance of Temptations

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"Can I see the necklace?" He asked randomly.

"Sure" Clara said, removing the necklace from around her neck. She extended her hand and gave it to Felix.

Felix's breath instantly hitched in his throat. He was totally stunned.

"I am going to go rest" Clara said standing up.

"Ya, you should" Felix said, extending the necklace for Clara to take.

"See you tomorrow" she said as she walking away.

"Goodnight" Felix said.

The picture of the necklace started meandering his head. He was completely puzzled.

Could it be? It can't. But what If? No, no way. But then it could be. But how-

"Leave Clara alone" somebody suddenly said. Felix quickly turned around to find Pan standing far, looking at him with utter hate. In a second he turned around and walked away, eventually vanishing into the woods.

End of flashback

"It was no shock that it was you. I could remember that necklace centuries from now. It's not ironic that you have the same name and the same locket" Felix stated, "Pan got very upset when I began getting close to you. He thought I was up to no good-"

"That explains the fight you two had the next day" Clara stated, finally understanding everything.

"Yes. I had to tell Pan; he thought I was out to get you-"

"You told Pan?" Clara asked shocked.

"Yes, I did"

Flashback (Episode 9: Men of The Land)

"Apparently words don't work with you, Felix. Maybe it's time for more action" Pan threatened as he threw Felix across of him.

"No, Pan. You don't get it" Felix spoke quickly.

"Excuse me?" Pan said as he noticed Felix interrupting him.

"Pan I-"

"You what? What are you trying to do?" Pan spoke, "Ha? What?" he asked as he pulled Felix by his collar, "No one gets near my Clara, understand? So tell me what you are planning on doing. SPEAK UP" he echoed as he noticed how quiet Felix was.

Felix licked his lips from hesitation before finally built up the courage to explain everything to Pan. He knew Clara's life could be in even more danger than before, but he had to tell Pan. He would eventually know, so what was the point of keeping it hidden?

And that was when Felix explained the whole story to Pan, Pan turning speechless in the process.

"You are meant to be-"

"I know, Pan" Felix interrupted, "That is why Clara can never know".

End of flashback

"Why didn't you tell me?" Clara asked with disappointment.

"I wanted to; I really did but I couldn't possibly tell you. I was meant to be dead. Besides what did you want me to say? Hey. Remember me? The boy who helped Pan torture you when you came? Ya, hello I am your dead brother" Felix stated, "What about you? Why didn't you tell me?"

"You are Pan's sidekick. If I told you, you would have told Pan and the two of you would have thrown me to the crocodiles"

"That would never happen" Felix argued.

ForeverLand: Season 1Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ