An Alliance-Maximus

Start from the beginning

"Avery" he asked in a questioning manner.

"Please tell me that you are not the one responsible for all of this. What have you don't now Slater" She ask accusingly as she takes a step away from him.

"After all this time you are so quick to assume. As your mate do I not even get a hello? You should be happy to see me. I have done everything for this right here" he yells at her as his face changes. I watch him warily as he goes from a sobbing man to a stoic one. I don't even think that I have seen anyone ever change expressions so fast.

He is not pure. His aura is tainted but I can see there bond. On his end it is faint.

"So you mean to tell me that they have a bond between three people" I ask Martell incredulously."

Emily is definitely going to be mad that she missed this. I watch in rapt attention as the other gold dragon goes over to her. He wraps her in his arms immediately as tears fill her eyes. I roll my eyes at the situation. We have enough drama right now and really don't need anymore.

"Is someone going to start talking about what is going on here?" I ask to break the tense silence. Before anyone can answer the other gold dragon starts to vomit. A black oily mess flow from his mouth in a rough torrent as groans leave his chest. The sight and smell has me turning up my nose as I fight a gag. That shit smells awful.

"He's being poisoned. He has a connection to the ether that you lack. You can control it as far as travel and manipulate it. He is the ether". The other black dragon says as he comes to stand beside me. "Names Anthony by the way. How's it shaking?" he ask with a smirk as he holds out his hand.

"So, if something were sent through the ether, with no clear destination in mind, it would poison the ether?" I ask aloud as I meet his gaze.

"Not necessarily. I could send a flower through the ether and it is just that, a flower. Now, lets say something evil was sent in. That would poison the ether. You could think of it as a river of love. A river can become tainted. If the river is tainted then the guardians would be also" he says as he looks at his nails.

"You stand here listening to this nonsense instead of acknowledging my presence. After all this time, do I truly mean so little to you?" Mr. Slater says as he gets in the face of the other gold dragon. "Salvatore, please" he begs.

"We can discuss things later after we have found out how you are involved in this situation. Until then I need to save our mate and hers. Save your childish tantrum" The woman says as she looks at him through a slitted gaze.

"Of course, Avery. How could I have forgotten that you would always choose him over me" Slater says as he walks over to the other side of the room.

"Enough" Tika yells into the room with authority. She rubs her hands against her temple as she closes her eyes. I know that the situation right now isn't easy. Instead of bantering with this lot I need to focus.

"There was a dead body sent through the ether. It was a man that we had here as a prisoner" I state. Tika gasp as her gaze meets mine.

"Igneous' father. That would definitely be evil added into the ether. Now that we have a what, we need to find a way to get it out" she states.

"I am afraid that it not that simple, love. Not everyone can control the ether" The gold dragon says as he steps forward. His glaze flickers briefly at our prisoner before returning to mine. "You as his mate control his power just as we do. There is more to it because a woman is creation" he grumbles.

"So, then why cant your mate do what needs to be done? Why come here and involve us?" Tika ask them. I listen closely as I wait for the answer.

She is a fabricator. Cant you see it?

My vision changes as I look at her through his eyes. The air around her is the oddest thing that I have ever seen. Its like parts of her are reaching out into the room. It almost seems like she is everywhere at once but its different. There is a light to it that I have never recognized in another aura. The color is so pure that one couldn't even call it gold or silver. It reminds of the full moon shining and casting its rays on a dark dreary night. The site is so beautiful that it nearly brings tears to my eyes. The feeling is definitely contagious.

"You have to do it. I don't know what it is about your aura that has made it so pure. I can almost see the good reaching out. The joy that you could bring. I can see why he chose you. I know that you are new at this but I can tell that you have no idea what I mean. Look through your dragons eyes and see what I see" I state as he looks around the room confused.

Looking at everyone else through Martell's eyes I am able to see that she isn't the only one with a pure soul. Its starting to look like its just the female portion of the golden dragon pair that is like this. "What will she have to do?" I ask aloud as everyone stares at her. Martell rumbles with pride when she doesn't let it make her uncomfortable. A few days ago I could have imagined her putting her head down in an instance like this. Today however she holds her head high and meets their gazes.

"I can guide her. She will have to open up the ether and search for the source of what is poisoning us" The woman says stepping forward. She walks up to Tika and takes her hands in hers. "This will not be easy dear. The ether is a pathway that connects every living thing. When it is tainted like this, it can make you violently ill. It can turn good parts of you bad. It can end up taking you, instead of freeing your mate" She says with conviction. She throws a brief glance at Salvatore and then lets go of my female alpha's hands.

"A few years ago, we ere just nomads. Before we made our clan we lived from place to place in the different forest and abandoned oasis of Europe. During one of those times, we ran into a rabid animal that we were forced to kill. Something was rotting it from the inside out and we didn't want to leave it for another animal. So, we decided to send it through the ether not knowing what it would do." She says as she goes back to Salvatore. No one misses the look that Slater throws at the both of them. You can almost smell his jealousy.

"He fell unconscious for days even though to me he appeared dead. When he awoke we were all so happy. Soon we did learn that he was no longer our alpha but that something was wrong with him. He was always sick with this violent black goo and he showed signs of madness. He talked to himself and saw things that weren't there. It wasn't until Anthony came to us sick that we figured out it was the ether" She says looking at the black dragon next to me with a smile.

"While my mate was ill and under constant watch, he showed me my connection to the ether. He was able to guide me into finding the animal that we sent and we took care of it. After a rather odd form of recovery, my mate was good as new. We were both able to come home to our children and continue helping our—"

"CHILDREN.....CHILDREN! What the Fuck is –" Before he can even finish the rest of the statement Anthony has him in a head lock. We watch as his face turns pale from the restriction and a growl from Salvatore rips into the air.

"That is till my mate Beta. Unhand him" He roars. Anthony releases him in a flash. The man bounces back faster than I would have thought he could as he rises from the floor. He throws a glare in the direction of his mates before turning away from them.

"I would say that this concludes my stay. You have the information that you need from me and I would like to leave" He says through his teeth. I fold my arms as I stand in his way. There is just something telling me that if I let him go that it would be bad. He just rubs me the wrong way.

He is an evil of the purest kind.

"Just let him leave. We have enough things to deal with" Salvatore says as he grabs his mates hands. For just a moment as he looks his angry façade breaks and I see his pain. His eyes cast down as he waits patiently for me to let him pass. With a nod I step to the side and he walks out the door. The banging of the door is loud in the room with the tension ran high. My female alpha decides to break it as she steps forward.

"We can start whenever you are ready" She states with her head held high. I rub my hands together ready to help in any way that I can. I may not be able to do much but there is no way in hell I am leaving until we get my brother back. The bastard definitely has some explaining to do.

We can strengthen her through the ether. It will make us weak but it could help.

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