• Chapter 28 •

Start from the beginning

"No worries."

"So uh....tell me more?" I asked curious as to what this guy was like.

He cleared his throat, "Well, he was smart, geeky, very handsome. Uh- We were together for 8 months, and I actually thought we were pretty good together. But uhm- He wasn't all I thought he was? I mean...He sometimes lied about things. Like, who he was hanging out with or where he was going, what he did in his free time. A lot of times he'd ditch me for friends and parties. Which is understandable, I guess. I mean- we were young and wanted to be out all the time." 

"I would never lie to you Ran." I said and hugged his arm a little tighter as we walked.

He chuckled, "Thanks. Uhm- I guess for me it felt like he wasn't as committed to the relationship as I was. And uh, I have expectations when I get into a relationship. So, I was forward with him- And we figured that splitting was just better. Honestly, I have no resentment or an ounce of hate- It was, what it was. And I'm okay."

I nodded, "Hm."

We got to the Ferris Wheel now and stood in the line. It wasn't too long of a line, and it should be quick.

"So, what about you? Ever been in a relationship before?" Ranboo asked me.

I shook my head, "Nah. I couldn't really imagine being with anyone, unless they were my soulmate. But it turns out I have you, and got a platonic soulmate. So now I've been wanting to meet new people, I suppose. But uh...I have had my first kiss and that sorta stuff."

He nodded, "Cool....Tell me about your first kiss?"

"Worst kiss ever. Seven minutes in heaven, we stood there forever and she asked if she could kiss me. Being the excited geek, I was- I said yes. And she gave me a kiss- Wasn't all that if I'm honest." I laughed.

He laughed along then sighed, "Mine was even worse-"

"No way."

"Oh yeah- My first kiss was with...the homies." He awkwardly laughed.

I burst out laughing, "There's no way!"

"It's how I found out I was gay. Cause uh- afterwards, I found out I had feelings for my friend that I'd kissed as a joke." He sighed.

"Quite the predicament, innit?" I bit my lip holding in a laugh.

"Yep! Ofcourse, I never said anything because they were all homophobic. So uh- Yeah." He laughed.

I shook my head softly, "How silly."

"Mhm...Quite silly." He smiled.

It was finally our turn. And so we got on and they closed the little gate. We sat across from each other as we looked out at the sky and bunch of rides.

"Ran....I know that you've chosen." I frowned remembering a week ago...


I giggled and kissed Ranboo's nose. He cupped my face and I blushed. He gently kissed my nose and I bit my lip. Then he moved a hand down to my thigh. He only rubbed it lightly. I grabbed his key necklace, "We're perfect, right?"

"Mhm." He hummed and kissed my neck again as he rub my thigh.

I settled into it and then hummed, "I love you, Ranboo."

"I love you, Tommy." He said and then held onto me normally.

"So...How's choosing, uh- going?" I asked.

He sighed, "I'm not sure I should share that just yet. I'm sorry."

That must mean-.....oh.

"....It's cool." I chuckled and pulled away to sit up, "You should go watch the movie with Bill. I uh...wanna be alone right now. Just to think." I said nice and calmly.

He sighed, "Okay...fine."

He kissed my forehead and then left out of the room to go sit with Bill.


He raised a brow, "Sorry- what?"

"I know that you picked. That secretly, deep down inside you know who you wanna be with. A- And it's okay..." I gulped.

He reached across and grabbed my hand gently with a soft smile, "You know, now?"

"Know....what?" I tilted my head slightly, confused.

He laced our fingers, "You know?"

"Know...what?" I awkwardly laughed.

He grabbed my other hand now, "Do you know?"

"Yes, I know." I gulped, I know that in the end- You're already set on being with Bill.

And slowly, my allium will go grey again- yours will fade, and you'll loose all memory of the two of us.

Ranboo sighed seeming beyond relieved, "My gosh- You don't know how much this means, Tommy."

I smiled sadly, "Oh...yeah."

"Thank god you know, now." He smiled beyond happy.

He moved in on me and kneeled infront of me, inbetween my legs he cupped my face. My eyes widened, "Wha-"

He kissed my nose then cheeks. Then slowly down my neck, "I love you so much Tommy. It's always gonna be you."


Did he say it's me? Wha-

"You're my soulmate- That means my special person forever. My Tommy- I'd choose you over anyone or anything. My allium..." He caressed my face.

I blushed, "Me?"

"Who else would it be?" He chuckled.

I turned red, "You chose...me?"

He nodded, "Obviously- I love you Tommy."

"I love you too Ranboo." I sniffled and hugged his neck close to me.

Thank god- He's mine.

Ranboo POV

I hugged Tommy back, "I'm so glad you've figured it out finally."

He finally knows we're romantic and not platonic. Now I can....kiss him.

1,394 words
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I'll see you tomorrow :]

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