Chapter Six - Birth And Recommendation

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A few months later I found out that my sister Rose was pregnant, I was shocked but at the same time happy for her since she was taking her relationship seriously with her boyfriend and that she trusts him enough to build a family with him. But right after she gave birth to her son I found out that the son was not her boyfriend’s, but it was the son of who raped my sister.

I didn’t know that someone raped my sister, she never told me. She told me that it was one of those men that were about to sexually abuse us, the one that the police could never find. My sister kept her son with shame and sadness, and her boyfriend still kept his relationship steady with her. I was so shocked, I felt so lost, especially in my acting classes.

My improvements and attendance in my acting classes were heading to the worse, Merinsha Decodra was starting to have doubts on me and warned me that if I would keep on going like this I would be expelled. Knowing the facts that there might be a traitor in my own family that wants me dead and having my sister raped and then giving birth to a boy were both making me lose my mind with worries.

I remember my brother confessing that he was raped several times when he was a young child in school by his teachers and then murdered them when he grew older as revenge, that’s how he ended up in prison. I missed him so much, I wanted to check up on him and see how is he so badly, so in December I had a week off school as a holiday and decided to visit the prison that he was in.

I spent every day of that week seeing him, he learned his lesson which was violence is never the answer. I told him what happened in our lives, what changed. He told me that he wouldn’t dare to do such a thing as hiring a few men to kill me and I believed him and told him that it could have been our mother. He kept staring at me in an odd way and denied that it could have been her.

When I returned to New York again my sister invited me to her wedding, I was so surprised, I supported her decision and went. They were married in February, after the wedding I realized that I was spending such a short time with my boyfriend, I missed him so much. I surprised him in his house, that’s when I found out that he was cheating on me all along. I obviously broke up with him and tried focusing more on my acting lessons.

When the scholastic year finally ended I was so happy, I graduated proudly and then requested a letter of recommendation from Merinsha Decodra so I would finally begin my acting career. But sadly she did not want to write me one, she asked me what were my dreams and I told her. She told me that she noticed me heading downhill on my work because of the problems I was having, she warned me that I will always find problems that would try distracting me in life and told me to prove that I am really dedicated to my hard work by finishing my studies to graduate as an English teacher, then she would hand me her letter of recommendation.

It was a bit strange for me to hear her say that, but I still did want to do it and I did say that I would do it right after I finish my acting lessons. So I went back to my country and continued my studies in the University for the next four years. Once I came back I noticed that my mother sold her house to a family a long time ago, I could never find out where she was.

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