Chapter Nine - The Phone Call And Text

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In the end of the scholastic year of where I was teaching at, I finally had a deep breath and started relaxing with no more stress. And also spending some quality time with Stephen, I was so thankful towards him for risking his life to find out the truth about my mother for me.

In August I received a phone call from my sister, she was telling me that she was hiding under her bed from the man who raped her. I quickly ran to my sister’s house while calling the police. When I broke into my sister’s house I didn’t know what to do, I was only armed with a knife, he could have been armed with anything and I didn’t know the house very well.

After silently searching the house for my sister’s room I finally found her. I quickly started hiding in her closet and waited for him to arrive. Once he entered inside the room he quickly checked under the bed and obviously saw her. She quickly started screaming to show me that he found her, so I quickly got out of the closet and tried knocking him down with the knife. Sadly he quickly held me and threw me onto the mirror which then broke into many pieces.

My sister panicked without knowing what to do and jumped on him, trying to hold him tight. While I was getting up he grabbed my sister and started chocking her. I had no other choice since he was a bit strong, so I stabbed him in the back with the knife. A few minutes later the police arrived, as usual always late.

After he was arrested the police took me down to the station and discussed the usage of the knife with me. They obviously knew that I stabbed him in the back for self-defense and stabbed one of those men who tried to sexually abuse me and my sister in the stomach with the same knife as self-defense as well.

I told them that i took the knife I used during the time when we were both going to be sexually abused from the table that was next to me. And I told them that when I was trying to save my sister I took the knife from the kitchen, the police didn’t know that I used the same knife. They were going to arrest me for thinking that I was bringing a knife with me wherever I go for self-defense. Obviously that was the truth, but I didn’t take it with me everywhere. Thankfully I was let go.

Two years later life was going on great. My teaching career was good as always and my acting career was advancing. My relationship with Stephen was going along great and my sister Rose had a baby girl with her husband. My brother was finally set free a year before and started living with me.

I received a message sent from my sister Rose, saying that she was feeling sad and alone and that she needs me to comfort her. My sister would never say something like that and I recognize her text, her text is always shortened. I told Stephen and my brother, they both stayed outside hiding and waiting for me to text them that everything is all right, if not, they would break inside the house to help.

The door was open, I entered inside and called her name. I heard her saying that she was in the kitchen, so I went there and found her tied up in a chair with rope. I was about to untie her before I saw my mother pointing her gun at me. I wasn’t so surprised to see her again, I just knew that someday I would see her again, trying to kill me again.

She gave me a crazy smile and made me sit next to Rose. She started laughing, feeling victorious, saying that she finally won while Stephen and my brother Trevor entered inside the house silently. Even though I knew that Stephen and Trevor were coming to save us, I still thought that I was finally going to die.

I was incredibly shocked when I saw my mother shooting at my sister Rose. Stephen and Trevor saw her as well. Stephen quickly held her tight while Trevor quickly took the gun from her hand. I quickly started calling the ambulance to get help for my sister and then called the police to finally arrest my mother.

My mother quickly kicked Stephen and Trevor in their weak spots to let her go and she quickly started running away. I quickly picked up the gun from the ground and started running after her to finally bring her to justice. When I was getting closer to her I quickly shot her in the leg and she obviously fell on the ground. I stayed next to her until the police arrived and finally arrested her, and sadly also arrested me.

I was arrested for shooting her, I could have used the excuse that it was hers which was true and that I used it for self-defense, but I couldn’t because I shot her so she wouldn’t escape again. My sister Rose sadly died because of my mother, she didn’t just want me dead, but both of us. The police already had proof of my mother’s doings from the evidence of the recorder that I used in the airport. She was finally sent to prison.

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