Chapter Seven - Graduating With Truth

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In my first year of the University I had an extra class where I had to attend and made three friends, one of them started dating me and we spent a lot of time together, always knowing where we were, what we were doing, we were always truthful to each other and we trusted each other enough to give each other enough space.

After I finally proudly graduated as an English teacher and when he graduated as a chemistry teacher, I was going back to New York, but then I couldn’t because of him, I didn’t want a long distance relationship, it never turns out good. A few weeks later he decided to come live with me in New York and that he would find a job teaching chemistry there. I accepted what he planned with me, so we both went together.

In New York I finally got my letter of recommendation from Merinsha Decodra and she told me that I was a tough cookie and that she was proud of me, that moment when she said that I was so happy, it was the happiest moment of my life knowing that I finally finished my goals.

I finally began my teaching career during the morning and my acting career during the night, each day was such an amazing time, I never wanted to end the routine. But I still felt empty inside, I still knew that I had to do three more things, one of them was finding out where is the one who raped my sister, another was figuring out who tried to kill me and the last goal was finding my mother and hoping that it wasn’t her.

When I was younger I always used to think that my mother was crazy, literally. I used to think that because of her many actions and reactions during the years, she was getting to the worse. When I was a little girl she used to be heartless with us, but year after year her hatred and evil was decreasing and I noticed that even her crazy actions were decreasing. But before my sister and I left to New York together I was noticing her getting worse again.

Sometimes when I walked to the school I used to teach at, and when I walked to my rehearsals for my plays, I used to see a lady that looks like my mother, I could never see her clearly from the distance that I used to see her. When I always used to run towards her she would always disappear, and that made me think that my mother is in New York and that she knows my locations.

A few weeks after noticing this lady, I hired three actors to act normally in the streets where I used to see her. While I was walking I saw the actors ready to follow the first lady that would run off, so I quickly began running towards her and she started running as well. The three actors quickly grabbed her tight and when I reached to her I was more than sure that it was indeed my mother.

I asked her why did she come here, why is she spying on me, why didn’t she spoke to us and such, but she didn’t answer. I told the actors to let her go and she quickly started running away. I was more convinced that it was her that wanted me dead. Since my sister didn’t live with me any longer since she got married and moved to her husband’s house, I couldn’t just speak with her by phone. So I decided to visit her and tell her what happened.

We discussed things over and over about her, and my sister kept telling me that it couldn’t have been her since it was our own mother. I couldn’t believe that my mother had nothing to do with us anymore, and in all the places in the world why would she come to New York? I just had to go report to the police. After reporting to the police, they told me that they were going to start investigating on my mother’s whereabouts and actions in the last few years.

With all of the worries of my mother’s truth digging, the careless feelings from my sister, the normal daily life problems, both teaching and acting career problems and my relationship with my boyfriend, I just couldn’t keep up with everything, I was getting so stressed, I guess I was a stressful type of person like my sister also. The proud feeling of myself faded away as I was feeling down again.

My boyfriend wanted me to take the week off and take a rest but I just couldn’t, I had to continue on my jobs. A few days later the police spoke to me and told me that my mother did communicate with one of the men that were arrested, but they couldn’t be sure that she had something to do with it, I needed proof to show the truth about her.

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