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I watch as her mother sits forward and lays a hand on her shoulder. Her father places his hand on top of her mothers and they exchange a look.

"We do love you honey and you have always been good enough. We are sorry that things changed and we forgot to talk about them. It was at no fault to you. You are our daughter and so much more. You mean everything to us" Her mother tells her.

"Yeah, everything. And I am just supposed to believe your words now. That way I come home and things all go back to normal in that cold house right. We act like the perfect family when others can see but when they aren't there we are exchanged. No thanks. If that the kind of love you mean, well then you two can just------"

A blinding light fills the screen and I watch as everything goes black. My heart pounds in my chest as I wait for more images to appear. Right before I am about to turn toward Kawa the screen lights up once more. This time I see my mate as she lays in a hospital bed. She has gauze on her head and bruises on her delicate face. My heart pangs at the pain she must have been in.

The doctor comes in and things are silent as he speaks to her. I watch as her lips move slowly and then he answers. She breaks down in sobs as she tries to move but is unable to. Her tears are abruptly stopped as she sees the handcuffs on her arm. The tears tread slowly down her cheeks as she lays back on the bed in silence. The look on her face is so hard to decipher. If I had to guess I would say that she looked numb.

I watch as she cries silently while staring off into space. She doesn't respond when the nurses or doctors talk to her. She doesn't even talk when detectives come into speak to her. Through her sentencing and her trial she just stays silent. When she saw those handcuffs it was like she immediately resigned herself to her fate.

There is no hope in her eyes and in this movie she doesn't resemble the woman I have grown to love. There is no spark in her movements and no heat in her gaze. It almost reminds me of the way I say her when Ceron shared our heart. The screen pauses and lingers on her face as she stands behind cell bars the first time.

"Why show me this? What good has it done?" I ask Kawa as I turn to her. I sigh in annoyance when she doesn't answer and just rises to stand. I immediately fall in line as I get behind her on the steps. We exit the room and walk into my meadow. I smile when I see the trees all small. Now that I am older the meadow looks much different now.

"Have you not wondered why you were the only one you could find of your kind?" She ask allowed as she picks one of the wildflowers.

"I have. My dragon has told me that I am special. I just don't know what he sees and he hasn't been willing to elaborate" I answer her as I watch her. She does look a lot like Magma. If they had the same color hair they could almost be twins.

"You were chosen because of your gift. What power in the world is greater than love?" She ask as she looks at me.

"There isn't one" I say confidently. In all my life no one has ever beat me. With just a whip of my aura I could guide anyone on the right path. I could always make them see my way. I am the alpha.

"Now, answer this young man. Can a man with only half a heart still have the power to conquer just as well as one with a whole one?" she says.

The word no forms on my lips but I can't seem to let the sound out. As I think about I realize that she is wrong. I am a man with half a heart. However, there is only half of one inside of me, the other half is with m mate. Together we are whole. She makes me whole

"Now I can see that my work here is done" She says as she starts to walk through the meadow. A door appears and we both go through it. We find ourselves in a room like neither of the others. Her in this room half of it is painted into a deep grey. The grey is so dark that it nearly shines black. The other half of the room is like an orange ray of sunshine. The color is unique and beautiful. A sense of déjà vu hits me as I stare at it.

The Alpha Dragon's PrisonerTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang