Bonded in All Things-Xander

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I don't have to be told twice. My arms tighten around her little waist as I hold her body close to mine. I allow my teeth to sink into her neck as the taste of her explodes in my mouth. My vison turns gold as I growl into her neck as she starts to come. Her pussy clamps down onto my cock and it gives a harsh jerk in return as I fill her up. Her scream is deafening as I feel the bond snap in place and she collapses against me. I slowly release my bite and lick the wound to seal it.

I lay back against the rock as she lays on my chest. Our breathing is heavy and fast paces as I back in the euphoria of the bond. I can feel her pleasure and her happiness in the moment. The feeling is completely giddy and causes a smile of pride to form on my face. I brace my hands on her cheeks and bring her face to mine as I kiss her. I pour everything that I feel into the kiss as I lead her tongue into a slow torturous dance.

The heat of the kiss causes me to harden inside her and she groans as she wiggles against me. I break the kiss as I look into her heavy lidded eyes. My ears prick as I listen to the sounds of the forest to double check that no one is near. Now that some of the haze from the heat has cleared I worry that we could be watched in this forest. I don't want anyone to see what is mine.

Ours. She belongs to us now.

"We should continue this at home" I tell her as I rise up from the rock. I pause when I am back in a sitting position. Just the action of sitting us brought me so much pleasure from being inside her. The look in her eyes changes and she leans closer to me. Her plump lips wrap around the edges of my nipple with a harsh suck and I tighten my hold on her as I growl. A part of me is so happy that she isn't done with me because I definitely am not done with her. I grind my hips into her and smirk when her breath catches. Two can definitely play this game.

"What's wrong big guy? Afraid that someone might see these pretty tattoos" she taunts as she traces the lines of one. I catch her finger in my hand as I stop her but her gaze stays on my chest. She cocks her head to the side and squinches her eyes as she peers at my marking closer while I answer her.

"You are the only one to ever see my tattoos mate. And not afraid just want to get you all alone, on a bed" I whisper into her ear. I feel as her muscles clench around me and I am all for it however I have to pause when I don't get an answer. When I pull away from her ear it's to see that she is still looking at my tattoos.

"What is she staring at" I ask my dragon worriedly. He has been quiet for some time now that we have claimed her. I can still feel the high that he is riding and hate to ask. He is the only other person who knows truly how I feel about the markings

Ask her man. She is probably just tracing the ink in her mind. Ladies are supposed to love tattoos right?

Not wanting to disrupt whatever she is doing I start to slowly slide her off of me. There is no way that I am going to be able to concentrate on anything long if my cock is enclosed in her tight sheath. She stops me from lifting her all the way off as she finally snaps out of wherever she has gone.

"We need to talk and then we can have more sexy time. I still want you alpha" She says with a large smile as she promptly hops off my lap. My cock went hard again after she called me alpha and now the little vixen is just walking away. Watching her naked ass sashay away from me as she throws a smirk over her shoulder in my direction causes me to growl. I'm after her in a few seconds and she squeals as I pick her up. I plop her ass right over my shoulder as I start to navigate through the forest.

She may not be done with me but I'm definitely not done with her. She just issued a challenge and I can't wait to see where it takes us. I stop to pick up her robe when we pass it. She pinches my ass as she squirms against me wanting to get down. I smack her ass with the palm of my hand and she yelps. "You wanted an alpha and now you got one. I'm just fulfilling the duty of carrying off my prize" I taunt her as I rub the sore spot.

"I said alpha not caveman. Don't you make me ask Ceron for help" she yells. I just know that she is smirking behind my back.

She is already mine. Whatever you do next is your punishment. I am staying out of it.

I chuckle loudly at my dragon as she gives an impressive growl. A sound makes my ears pop and an ear splitting scream from her releases into the air. I quickly bring her off of my shoulder and cup her face when I see her eyes water. Before I can ask what's wrong she screams again and drops to her knees.

What in the world?

Suddenly she stills and all sounds from her cease. I lean down slowly and lift her off the floor. She doesn't even move as I jostle her. I check her temperature by placing a hand on her forehead. She feels warm to me but then we normally run a higher temperature to humans. I shake her shoulder as I call her name but I get no response. I start moving my feet in a panic as I wonder what was wrong with her.

As I run with her in my arms I don't even pay attention to my surroundings. I know that my cabin is the closest place to where we are so I make it my destination. As soon as I enter through the back door I lay her on the couch gently. She has still yet to move even though I can hear her breathing and her steady heart. I move toward the phone and my steps falter. My vision blurs so intensely that I have to catch myself on the door frame. The wall shudders as my weight hits it.

I try to shake away this random bout of vertigo but my vision only worsens. Before I know it I am falling to the floor unable to catch myself. With a whole lot of effort I turn over to my back as I stare at my mate on the couch. She needs me but for some reason I can't seem to function. Once again I am going to be too late to save her. My eyes close of their own volition as a tear slides down my cheek.

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