🕳Chapter 33🕳

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'I only have one memory with my grandpa.'

"Y/n, I brought ice cream so we can eat after you've finished training. I was thinking about eating it at night and sitting on the roof to stargaze." A fairly-aged man grinned.

"Ice cream..." Y/n's eyes shone as she looked up from her toys.

'I was three when he died. An attack had occurred at a business meeting he attended and he was caught in the explosion.'


"I'm the strongest kid in this school. There's no one that can get in my way." A boy grinned as he stood in the courtyard.

"There's no doubt about it, Yun-kun!" Another boy nodded.

"So much for that kid who's in my karate class. I made sure to approach him yesterday and knocked him out! Watanabe-kun, that's who it was. He isn't as strong as he acted." Yun arrogantly boasted.

Quick footsteps approached and a voice said, "Hey."

"Huh?" The boy turned to look behind him, and in an instant, he was knocked out cold.

"What the heck is this...you're not all that you say you are. Yuki's definitely not as pathetic as you." 6-year-old Y/n glared down at him.

'I hate weak guys who act all high and mighty. They piss me off.'


Y/n laughed as she sat on a chair beside a bed.

"I beat up some guy at my school! He was the one who hurt Yuki, but he was so weak!" She grinned.

"Wow. You're so strong for your age. You remind me of your mom and grandfather." Her grandma, Watanabe Mio smiled.

'I enjoyed spending time with my grandmother whenever I wanted to get away from my family. I usually got to go during my family's weekly visitations. Although, I sometimes went there on my way back from school.'

It was a new day and Y/n once again snuck off to visit her grandma. The two of them snacked on cookies and drank milk as they chatted and listened to music.

"Grandma, I protected one of my friends today because she was being pushed around on her way home! The bullies started crying so quickly too!" Y/n proudly grinned.

"Really? Well, I suppose it'd make sense since children fear what they don't expect or know. Your attack must've scared them and hurt them." Mio tapped her chin.

"Really? Well, what about mom and gramps? Did they cry easily?" Y/n asked.

"No, no. Your grandfather was a determined man who always put on a strong persona. Akane got her confidence from him. They've never shown their tears to anyone. I'm not sure if there's a moment I ever saw them truly sad. Well, Akane was a bit sassy and cried occasionally as a baby." Mio smiled as she stared at the table.

"To some, they can be admirable." She said.

'Her smile would always change when gramps and mom were brought up.'

"Do you love gramps and mommy very much? You always smile when we talk about them." Y/n blinked.

"Really? Don't I always smile? After all, I enjoy it when you visit me. I just wished your sister, brothers, and Yuki would do it more often. But I'm not complaining because I have all the time in the world to be with you." Mio chuckled.

"Well then, I'll make sure to fill in the empty space they leave! And I promise to be strong like gramps and mommy!" Y/n cheerfully grinned.


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