🎴Chapter 18🎴

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Pain was all she felt. Her whole life, she's been suffering. Well, not when she was with them. They gave her a reason to live and she's vowed to protect them. However, who will protect them when she's not there? What if they need protection from her? She doesn't wish for them to suffer. And in order to reach that, she must sacrifice a lot.

She opened her eyelids slowly, her vision still blurry since she just regained consciousness. Her head ached and she could feel the bandages around it. She shakily sat up, popping her joints. Her eyes darted around the room to see a few shelves and cupboards, the smell of rubbing alcohol entering her nostrils.

"I survived...? And I can still move? That's shocking..." She muttered.

A sound was heard and she felt something move under the blanket she had. Lifting it up, she saw Cat resting on her lap.

"Oh, Cat...I'm glad you're okay. I tried to protect you from the hit when the bat was nearing me. Where are the others?" She asked.

Cat squeaked, moving his head in different directions to tell her something.

"They're gone...? And someone who claimed to be a relative is here...? Damn..." She muttered.

"Do you know if my clothes are still here? Or any other change of clothes and shoes?" She asked.

Cat squeaked and motioned to a side of the room. Y/n swung her legs off the bed, her feet touching the cold floor. She walked over to a stool and they were her clothes from before the incident. Luckily, they were in good condition. She grabbed the clothes and went behind some large shelves, changing there just in case someone were to enter. When she finished, she put on her socks and shoes, wiping any dirt at the bottom of her shoes to prevent her from making footprints when she walked in them.

Y/n looked in one of the mirrors and made sure that the bandages around her head were secure. She then noticed that there were scars on her arms. She decided to search some of the cupboards for bandages, and luckily there were some. She put them in her pocket but flinched at a sudden loud ringing.

"Shit..." She grumbled.

Y/n heard footsteps approach the door. Quickly closing the drawers and grabbing Cat, she opened a window and carefully stepped on the ledge, closing the window after. Once she did, she heard the door open, followed by yells, wondering where she was.

That was not the thing she should be most worried about. Looking down, she was a few stories up on the ledge of a hospital. She moved sideways, carefully lowering herself to step on the ledges that led down.

While climbing down, she stumbled a bit from the harsh winds.

"Please don't fall. Please don't fall. It'd be embarrassing for me if someone suddenly found my limp body, a result of my own actions..." She mumbled.

Her mind created the scene and she couldn't help but cringe. After some minutes, she was close to a tree and jumped onto it, climbing down. She ran to her house, which was fortunately nearby, and quickly went over to her motorcycle.

"They're at the Yokohama Bay, right?" Y/n asked Cat, putting on her helmet.

Cat squeaked and nodded.

"Thanks." Y/n said, starting the engine and speeding off.


~Yokohama Bay~

"Get up, Kisaki." Takemichi told the male after punching him.

"There's no use making peace with you now. Why are you pushing me this far? How can you make someone like Draken a murderer...? I can't understand it. "If I could redo my life, there's only one thing I would do. That is to kill Kisaki!" He said that in the future." Takemichi said.

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