🐉Chapter 14🐉

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Y/n stood with Hina now, both of them drinking hot chocolate. They then stood up when they heard a roaring engine get louder as it neared them.

"What? Y/n? Hina?" Takemichi muttered as he walked to them. "Huh? What's going on here, Mikey-kun?"

But the blonde ignored him.

'Crap. What now...?'

"Well. Uh...!" Takemichi stammered.

'This is so awkward...The way I abandoned them was entirely one-sided. After what I did...What can I even say...?'

"You got into another fight?" Hina spoke up.

It was silent before...

"Y/NNNN!!! HINAAAAA! I'M SORRY!" Takemichi cried, making their eyes widen.

"I'm a delinquent...so I know where your dad's coming from, Hina. I can't let you two get hurt because of me! Not after I swore to save you!"

"Save...?" The girls muttered.

"Y/n! Hina! I swear I'll protect you! Even...if you die."


"What are you saying, Takemitchy?"

"Even if you get run over by a truck...or you're manipulated into a life you don't want...No matter how many tries it takes...I'll save you! Can you forgive me?!" He cried, kneeling on the ground in front of them.

"Take us to the shrine." Hina said.


"On New Year's Eve."

"What...? So...? That means..."

"We've made up." Hina smiled.

"Yeah yeah. I forgot what we were talking about. You're a loser, y'know." Y/n said, looking away as her face felt hot.

"Y/NNN!!! HINA!!!" Takemichi wailed.

"Aw. C'mon, don't cry." Hina said.

"But I can't!"

"Oh jeez!"

"I'm so glad, Y/n! Hina!" Emma cried as she, Mikey, and Draken stood aside.

"Why're you crying, Emma?" Mikey sweat dropped.

"Gosh, you're both too loud." Y/n huffed.

"But I can't stop crying!" The two wailed.


Y/n walked beside Takemitchy around the park. Y/n had suggested hanging out for a while, so he agreed.

"Y/n, I know it's a weird question to ask, but do you live with only Hiromi? What about your parents? And-" Takemichi spoke.

"Yeah, it's just me, Hiromi, and Cat." Y/n replied.

"Wow! So Hiromi raises you by herself?" Takemichi asked.

"Yup, but she's gone from home a lot since she's busy working. That's why I sleep at Yuki-s house sometimes of at Mikey's." Y/n replied.

"Does Yuki have any siblings? How are his parents?" Takemichi asked.

"Hm? Yuki's an only child and his parents are dead. They died in an accident last year. But he's been doing good, his aunt and uncle often stop by to check up on him." Y/n said.

"Yikes..." Takemichi muttered, regretting ever having asked.

"Hiromi's been taking care of me for a long time. Since she's 10 years older than me, I used to follow her around like a lost puppy. Mikey and Emma would too! She took us to so many places and taught us all sorts of things!" Y/n grinned.

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