I wipe my hands and my face and stand up from the table. His growl fills the air and it's so loud it has me freezing for a moment. After how this dinner went though I could really care less. "Well, if that's the type of mate that he was given, then I don't blame him for leaving her. My son deserves better than someone who has no value for human life. Maybe we can find you another mate Xander. You can definitely do better than that" His father boast.

I never imagined that hearing words like that would be so hurtful. It really shouldn't be a change to how I am used to being treated by parents. Children are just never good enough no matter how hard they try. Tears fill my eyes before I can stop them. I ignore Xander's insistent growling and walk to leave the room. Before I exit completely though, they at least deserve the truth.

"He does deserve better. I've been trying to get him to see it this entire time. I never asked for any of this. I made a mistake in my life that caused me to kill my own parents. I am a murderer and have been dealing with the consequences from my crime. I never meant to deceive you Barbara. Had I have known who you were I wouldn't have accepted your invitation. I apologize for ruining such a lovely meal. Thank you for your hospitality" As I say the words I breathe through my tears so that they won't fall. I look his mother dead in her eyes as I talk unable to look at her son. Just as I finish they start and I am running out the door.

I have to catch myself when I nearly fall on the pebbled path. I don't even know where I am going or the way back to his place but I know that I need to get out of here. I just need to get away from him. The situation back there was beyond humiliating. I don't think that any of the moments with my parents have been that bad. To hear what people say to your face as they talk about you, not knowing that it's you they are talking about sucked. Now his parents will never approve of me.

Through my tears I haven't been watching where I was going at all and I run right into someone. I rush to apologize as I try to blink through my tears. Small arms wrap around and I am pulled into a hug. The scent of a familiar perfume hits me and it only makes me cry harder. My feet are being dragged along as someone pulls me and I cry. When I am only left with dry heaves I find myself sitting on a rock in the forest looking at Julia.

"I don't know what going on with you hun, but I thought that I would give you a minute. There was quite a crowd where you almost knocked me over" she says as she rubs my back. Tears fall down my cheek once more as I start to think about how many people saw me having a meltdown. I just can't do anything right.

"It's all my fault. Everything is my fault!" I cry. I try to wipe my eyes to stop the tears but they just keep on coming.

"Why don't you try to take a few deep breaths and tell me what you think is your fault, sweetie" she says as I finally meet her gaze. I can hardly breathe as I think about everything that is coming to the surface. For once I want to talk about things that I have never even talked about. Before I can stop myself I find myself spilling everything to Julia.

"They died because of me. I kept acting like such a disappoint and they wanted me to change. I ran away to my boyfriend and got drunk. When he cheated on me and my parents asked for a ride, I just wanted to get out of there. Now I'm orphan because I killed them. I killed my parents" I scream. It feels so good to scream and I can't seem to stop myself.

"I deserved to go to prison because of what I have done. I don't even deserve the freedom that Xander has offered me. But I want to take it. I want to take a chance because I don't think that I have ever actually been given one" I holler at the top of my lungs. "And you want to know the best part. I just made his parents talk about me like I wasn't in the room. Even they hate me now. They would never let him be with someone like me all because of what I did. He doesn't deserve to be with someone like me" my voice ends on a whisper as my sobs start once more.

The Alpha Dragon's PrisonerWhere stories live. Discover now