Sanguine Lover-Xander

Start from the beginning


My feet rush through the doorway as I catch her scent and follow it to the living room. I feel my eyes shift as I look at her after not seeing her the majority of the day. A small purr leaves my chest as I see her rosy cheeks and bright gaze. She looks amazing standing there. However, I start to wonder immediately what the heck she is doing in my parents' house.

Who cares? She is here and that is all that matters.

"Hi" I say with a wave. My palms start to grow sweaty as I get nervous at seeing her here. I hadn't planned on introducing her to my parents so soon because of how everything is going between us.

"Hi" She says awkwardly as she stares at me. I run a hand through my hair knowing that it must look a mess. I just took a flight for a few hours and came straight here. I suddenly feel as if I should have showered before coming her.

"Sorry, son. It's not quite ready yet. You can go ahead and get yourself settled. By the time you set the table too, I should have everything ready." She says with her voice getting close as she speaks. "This here is my new friend Tika. I have invited her to stay for dinner since I didn't think that you and your father would mind" she says as she walks into the room.

I can hear everything that she is telling me but for some reason I can't get my feet to move. The only thing that I can do is stair at my mate as I fidget. My skin feels itchy and foreign and I have this insane urge to hold her. I want to squeeze her against me until there is nothing left between us. I want to feel all of her on all of me. I don't even need a mirror to let me know that my eyes are glowing. Her cheeks blush under my gaze and I smile at her reaction.

Just as I take a step toward her my mother is right in front of me and my gaze is taken off of my mate. My heart is beating fast in my chest and I have to stop myself from growling. She must see the look on my face because she puts a hand on her hips. I find myself tensing because I just know that she only does this when she wants to scold me.

"Young man. First you are supposed to greet your mother" I chuckle as I lean down to kiss the cheek she offered. She smiles once the action is complete. "Two, you need to freshen up because we have a guest. One whom you have not introduced yourself to should I add. Now hop to it. Time is wasting away and you know how I feel about cold food" she says as she looks at me pointedly.

My cheeks flare red at the way she talks to me in front of my mate. When I lift my gaze once more to Tika's I still feel that same pool that wants me to go to her. I'm shocked to see the anger on her face however as she watches our exchange. I cock my head at her wanting to know why she looks that way when the expression is gone a split second later.

"Yes ma'am" I say to my mother as I move around her. I walk to the stairs in a rush as I try to figure out what just happened. Why would watching me with my mother make her angry. Maybe she is just always angry. As I hit the landing at the top of the stairs I hear my mother ask her to go and gather some flowers from the garden to place in the vase on the table. In the bathroom I rush through my shower quickly. When I step out I feel so much better. There is just something about getting clean or making things clean that feels so right.

It's because you are crazy. Something that is messy can still be orderly. If life were full of perfections then nothing would ever go wrong. If things never went wrong then others could never learn from their mistakes.

"Oh so now you want to talk to me" I snark back at him as I comb my hair in the mirror. The cool air in the bathroom feels great as I let myself air dry.

Yes, so listen up because I know something that you don't know

I roll my eyes at his obvious talking. Dragons and their games. One of these days they are going to get him into trouble. "Yeah, and what's that?" I still ask. Even though he annoyed me earlier with his threat, I am just happy that he is speaking to me.

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