Have a break, have a Kit Kat!

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Date: September 2 20XX
Location: Toronto Pearson Intl. Airport, Toronto
Time: 12:32 PM (EST)
POV: Cookie

Fast forward to a couple days before school starts. We, meaning me, Rage, and Will today, are chilling in the massive airport lounge area. We're currently in Pearson Airport right now, waiting for our flight to arrive. School starts on September the 5th, and we have to go earlier to set up our dorms and make room arrangements and stuff. Our flight takes off from here, flies for eight hours and lands at Munich Airport, Germany. Then we get onto another flight and then we fly another two hours to get to London Heathrow. Will's with us because he says he's nervous flying alone, but I think he just doesn't want to miss out. I don't know what he'll miss out on, but he'll definitely miss out. It's also due to the fact that he wants to fly first class.
A week or so before, Rage asked me if I wanted to fly with him in first class. I obviously said yes because, well, it's first class. I kinda feel bad letting him pay for everything, including my flight and school tuition and all that, but the guy's so rich, it probably barely makes a scratch in his bank account. He doesn't mind either, so it's all good. But he did mind when I told him that he would have to pay for Will's ticket too or else I wasn't going on the same plane as him, let alone first class. Rage got real pissed off at that and we had a big argument, just like the one after I quietly slipped out of his house that night and left him to deal with his parents on his own (I'm sorry about that, but I honestly don't know what parents are like, I don't have any real experience).
Maybe he just got tired of me or maybe it's because my powers of persuasion are just so amazing, but he grudgingly agreed to pay for Will's ticket and make it first class. Will told me quietly after a couple days that 'he could tolerate him better now'.

So back to right now, we're in the huge waiting area with all the small food stalls and the iPads and the huge windows overlooking the runway and all that. I'm just sitting with my face to the windows, watching the planes land and take off. Rage is sitting across from me, doing something on his phone. Will is fooling around with one of the iPads. It's weird because the iPads are supposed to be for kids, I'm pretty sure, but they're loaded with a bunch of gambling games, which utilise real money, so I think any kid looking for games would be confused. So far, Will has earned 3 bucks and a can of Coke, which he's drinking while playing online blackjack, fishing for more free food.
"Look, Cooks, I got free chocolate!" Will says like a kid after a while. Sure enough, he's holding up a huge Kit Kat bar. I hold out my hand. He sighs, breaking off a piece and giving it to me. But just to annoy me, he breaks it not from the perforations, just from a random point. I flinch. "You're crazy," I say, accepting the chocolate. "Nobody breaks it like that."
Will just shrugs, and bites into it, melted chocolate getting onto his nose. I roll my eyes and take out a tissue from my bag. "Come," I say wearily to him. He obeys, and I stand up on my toes to wipe the chocolate from his nose. I can see Rage narrow his eyes from the corner of my sight but he doesn't do anything else. Honestly, it's not like Rage has anything to be jealous of, anyways. Will's more like a stupid older brother who can't do anything right. As Rage reads my mind, he smirks vaguely at this thought. I roll my eyes for the second time in 2 minutes. These two guys are fucking hopeless. Love ya both, though.

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