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Date: March 03 20XX
Location: Whitewater High, Toronto
Time: 09:56 AM (EST)
POV: Cookie

     So, long story short, I got in. Congrats, me. So why don't I seem excited about it?
Well, for starters, Kalie didn't get in and isn't coming with me. She's practically my bestie, besides Will of course. So no more going over to her house and simping over random hot guys on Pinterest or something. I mean we could still be doing that over texts, but it's just not the same.
      Second, we need to get uniforms, which are extra expenses along with the dorms. I guess I'll have to take up more than a few jobs in London to at least try and cover the finances. Shit, what a waste of time.

      Rage, who also got in, looks over my shoulder at my acceptance email. "You got in, too."
I nod, a little bummed out. "Yeah, but I'm starting to think it's a bit too expensive for me. You know, what with me living alone and all..."
Rage leans in closer to look at the fine print of the email. He smells like cherry. Maybe it's because of the lollipop he's currently working on. Over the past few days, I came to find out that he's sort of addicted to lollipops. He has at least 50 in his bag every day, and he eats them all. I wonder how he doesn't have diabetes, but hey, at least I know what to give him if I ever have to gift him something.
He gives me an exasperated look. "You applied and all, and only now you're considering the finances?"
If he puts it that way, I guess I feel a little dumb. "Yeah."
Rage looks kind of tired of me. "So does that mean you're going or you're not going?"
"If it's too bad, I can't..."
I look up at him for a second. Is it just me or is there a hint of disappointment in his face? Disappointment?! Caused by me not being able to be there with him?! Never would I ever have expected that combination from Rage. It stuns me and I stare at his face longer than necessary. He notices and stares back at me confused. "What???"
"It's nothing..."
He shrugs. "Whatever. But did you really want to go?"
What a dumb question. "Bro, yes! It's always been my dream school and I really don't want to leave Will there all by himself!"
My voice turns mock-sappy. "He's so innocent, and he's not gonna be able to survive there without me!"
Rage blinks, looking weirded out. "Well, I don't know what world you're living in, Cat, but I've read his mind and it's really not innocent in there." He looks uncomfortable. Suddenly, I want to know more.
"No rainbows and clouds?" I ask, pressing in on him. "No kittens and sunshine?"
 He backs up into a wall, looking unnerved. "Well, no, it's more like a battlefield-"
Well, well, well! It seems William Zymah II has finally grown up! He was totally different back in grade school. Very innocent. And even now he doesn't really seem to have matured, but there is the occasional adult joke. At any rate, I'm glad. "What does he think the most about?"
Rage narrows his eyes at me suspiciously. "Why would YOU want to know that?"
I bat my eyelashes jokingly. "No reason, why?"
"If you really want to know if he likes you, go ask him yourself."
"No!" I exclaim, horrified. "I can't do that, it's too embarrassing..."
He looks down at me tiredly. "Whatever."
He starts trudging away but then stops in his tracks. He turns back around to face me, a scary expression on his face.
"Rage?!" I shriek, snapping out of my reverie. He looks smug.
"Let's make a deal," he says carefully, and I get an unprecedented chill. 
"Yeah?" I say, trying to steady my voice. I don't think I like where this is going. "About what?"
What he says confirms my fears. "I'll pay your Upper Lake bills if you ask him whether he likes you."

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