Detention, not suspension, hopefully.

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Date: February 17 20XX
Location: Whitewater High, Toronto
Time: 1:54 PM (EST)
POV: Cookie

     Okay, so I totally wasn't thinking about the consequences of hurting Rage when I was doing it, but now as I sit in the principal's office, it seems like a really dumb thing to do. Like you've probably been told a billion times, violence is not the answer, kids. Hands to yourself and you'll be okay. But I didn't keep my hands to myself and I resorted to violence, so I'm totally not okay. I guess Rage is mad at me. Wait no, understatement. He's totally pissed at me and he's gonna attempt to kill me as subtly as he can so nobody will notice, but even if they do notice, they're all gonna not care because of course, he's Rich Rage with the Lamborghini and a super big modern mansion in his own neighbourhood
Well maybe he won't try to kill me, but he'll definitely try to make my life hell. I already know.
But it's a bit hard to tell how he actually feels, because he's sitting right next to me with a stony face as the principal blabbers away about how irresponsible and violent and rash I was. Okay, okay, principal, I know I was stupid. I already regret it.  

Date: February 17 20XX
Location: Whitewater High, Toronto
Time: 2:03 PM (EST)
POV: Rage

     I hate detention. It's so stupid and if it's supposed to make you learn from your mistakes, then I gotta say it's not really working. And there's really nothing to learn anyways, because I already know all the shit I'm always putting Cat through is wrong. I'm not five, I'm sixteen. But then again, I guess there was a time where I actually liked beating the crap out of her, especially in grades 7 and 8. We were all assholes in middle school, we meaning me and my gang. But over the summer after grade 8, I got around to thinking, maybe I shouldn't have been so hard on her. I know for a fact that she hated being in my class and anywhere around me. She didn't really have many friends either, from kindergarten to gr. 8, so she just hung around with the same few people year after year. But once she got to high school, about every guy there seemed to be attracted to her like I'm attracted to lollipops. And in grade 9, I guess I saw her for who she was too, let's put it that way. 

Date: February 17 20XX
Location: Whitewater High, Toronto
Time: 2:09 PM (EST)
POV: Cookie

    I hope I don't get suspended. I still need to study up for the Upper Lake Institute in London. It's a prestigious school where you pay to get in, but you have to be smart. I'm barely scraping by in my small flat, but I think I've got the brains to get in on a scholarship alone. Rage is going too...I never knew he was smart. 

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