End of the school year (FINALLY)

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Date: June 30 20XX
Location: Whitewater High, Toronto
Time: 1:54 PM (EST)
POV: Cookie

     Well, fast forward a couple of months, and it's finally the end of 10th grade.
It's currently the last hour of school, and my last hour at this school. Next year I'm going to Upper Lake. I'm a bit sad to leave this school, but also happy because I hear Upper Lake is a lot better. I mean, it's a private institute, so it's gotta be. Rage agreed to pay my bills for everything, and I know I'm supposed to refuse it to be nice and all, but I actually don't feel bad for him at all. If he can buy a hundred sports cars, then he can very well afford this. It's probably the billionaire equivalent of buying candy. Only a few hundred thousand. I'm very jealous.
     "Whatcha gonna do over the summer?" I ask Rage, casually getting onto a desk and sitting on it. As usual, he's eating a lollipop.
"I dunno," he says, his voice muffled by the candy in his mouth. "My parents were thinking about going on a fam vacation to Cabo San Lucas...I don't really wanna go, though."
"Sheeeesh!" I remark. "Cabo San Lucas! That's hella swanky!"
Apparently he doesn't seem to think so, but personally, I'd kill for a good vacation.
Will walks over to us, looking bored. Now, about Will, we're just pretending as if that awkward confession never ever happened, which we're both fine with. Rage got kind of pissed when Will just came up to me and started talking like nothing ever happened. I think he just wanted to see some drama. 
"You know someone's a spoiled brat when they think a vacation to Cabo San Lucas is boring."
Rage looks up at Will. I find it kind of cute that Rage, who's 5 foot 11, is a couple inches shorter than him, who is 6 foot 2. It's not that much of a difference but it's visible. And anyways, Rage is more intimidating than Will. It all balances out.
"It's not boring," Rage mutters. "It's useless. There's nothing to do there."
At this, Will makes an exasperated face and so do I, I think. "But you didn't deny that you're a brat."
"Why should I? If you think I'm a brat, that's fine. Even if I deny it, your stupid ass still gonna think I'm a brat."
I chime in, "Yeah, but most people would deny it!"
Rage fishes into his bag and pulls out another lollipop. "Guess I'm not most people then."
Just then, the principal calls us to go outside over the speaker system. I think there's some sort of party thing going on but it's not like I really wanna be there.
"Starbucks?" Rage whispers to me. Of course, rich people drink rich coffee, but the only thing actually rich about Starbucks coffee is the amount of water. And Rage doesn't drink coffee from there anyways, only fraps.  
"Gas station slushies."

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