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I close my eyes and let out a sigh.


I open my eyes again...

(I can't, fall asleep again, no way...)

I sigh again as I try to move, the word being tried, since I had two people latched on to me right now...

Now, this was not really something 'that' new. Since I have slept with Saeko and Saya again. What 'was' new, was how it all ended up to this...

You see, after what happened in the garage, Saeko essentially refused to let go of me after we returned. To the point that, we 'might' have ended up taking that bath together. And Saya 'might' have got wind of it thanks to a certain sniper, and ended up bursting into the room, and joined the scene...

After that. Well, nobody really cares about that crap right? Let's just say that they are at least wearing underwear now...

(...Wonder how many death flags I triggered yesterday. Or does it count as today since it was so late at night?...)

Glancing to my right, over a sleeping pinkette and towards the rest of the room, I find it dimly lit.

The sky, which slightly visible from the windows over my head, showed that it was still dark outside, but not entirely, as I could actually see pretty well. In other words.

(It's going to be sunrise soon? Hmm, I am pretty sure we went to sleep at around twelve, so our shift should be at around six. So our shift should be just as the sun starts to rise...)

I take a deep breath before turning to look to my left, Saeko sleeping with a peaceful expression next to me ...

Thing is, even though I came to the conclusion that I could no longer sleep, I could also not get up. Not with how Saeko and Saya were leaning on me. Unless I woke them up that is...

So, I decided to try and just, stand still on the bed. And I did so, for like two minutes.

(...This is much harder than I thought...)

I grumble under my breath as 'everything' was slowly starting to bother me. How is it when your shoulder feels like something is squeezing it and stretching does not help, or when your nose is itchy but you can't scratch it. Well think that, but everywhere. So it didn't take too long...

"Hmuu..." Until I annoyed Saya enough for her to silently moan as she rubbed her face against me, slowly opening her eyes to stare at nothing.

She then blinked a couple of times before taking a deep breath, pulling herself away from me to stretch with an audible groan, before sprawling on the bed as she closed her eyes again, using her hand to tap around to the nightstand next to her. Until she found her target, that being her glasses, which she groggily placed on her face.

She then opened her eyes again to stare at the ceiling. Letting out another deep breath as she heaved. Until she finally turned to glance towards me, to find me staring at her. She then turned to look towards the ceiling again, before turning her whole body to lean on me again.

"Morning..." She mumbles as she nuzzles her face between the pillow and me. Closing her eyes with a slight sigh again.

(Huh...I figured she'd snap and start shou...)

"Gkhh!" And my thoughts got interrupted by a sudden jab to my sides, from Saya's side. Causing me to essentially bump on Saeko. Who let out a small groan as she leaned away and raised her upper body off the bed as she used her arm as leverage, opening her eyes to stare at what just bumped into her, aka, me.

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