Going on a trip

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You know what's apparently rare in a zombie outbreak? God damn handkerchiefs.

"Nothing? Nobody?" I raise my arms in disbelief after trying my best to straighten my clothes, in order to look less like a crazed ax murderer.

(Well, all of them just fled for their life with only the clothes on their back so I shouldn't be surprised.)

I turn around and start shuffling around in my bag.

(...I could just use the bandages to wipe my face.)

I grab a roll of bandage, unroll a bit of it and start cleaning my face of the still liquid blood.

I then take off my gloves, unwrap more of the bandage and start wrapping my hand with the clean part, until it's about halfway up to my forearm, where the bandage runs out. Locking the bandage with the clips it came with, I then proceeded to do the same to my other hand with the second roll, before putting my gloves back on.

Afterward, I took the swiss knife out and cut the bloody part of the bandage, then looked at the bloody piece in my hand.

(This is the blood of the first actual person I saw dying in front of me. I keep surprising myself with how calm I am with all of this.)

"Uhh Naier?" I turn towards the voice to see Kohta looking at my hands, along with the rest of the group.

"I know you said that you packed your bag for your part-time job. But, what exactly 'is' your part-time job? For you to need bandages and a swiss knife?" Kohta asks me while pointing at the swiss knife.

"I am interested to know as well. Those are quite an... interesting combination of items." I turned around to see that that question had come from Saeko.

I take a deep breath and try to look as serious as I can.

"My job is to make an example of people who do not want to cooperate with my boss." I respond with a deadpan look on my face.

As soon as the words left my mouth, silence. The whole group just stared at me.


And a couple of seconds later, my grim face cracked.

"Pppfft, heheh. Sorry, sorry my bad." I look down and shake my head with a slight chuckle as I put the swissknife back inside my bag.

The whole group relaxes after they see me chuckling, although their reactions differed quite a bit.

Kohta looked relieved, Takashi looked weirded out, Rei just had a blank stare, Saya went from a 'what' frown to a 'you are an idiot' frown, Saeko did not really react to the whole situation, she just slightly tilted her head sideways.

"They are more of a 'better safe than sorry' precaution" I awnser.

(Ugh, crap. Think Naier, what do you say now.)

The whole group just keeps staring at me.

"I help a friend of a 'friend' with his job. He sells hunting rifles, we go to the wilderness and I film him using the guns. Something like a promo video for the stuff he will later try to sell. We don't actually kill anything though."

(Huh, I just realized. I can lie through my teeth with a straight face. Should I be happy about that?)

The whole group just keeps staring.

"Oohh! That makes sense." Kohta was the first one to speak up.

"Wait? it does?" Takashi looks back to Kohta even more weirded out than before.

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