I need your car your nurse your bike

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"Would you like some tea?" Bang, I mean Saeko's father asks as he takes a sip of his usual, blistering hot tea while sitting on the opposite side of the table. Throwing a glance at the pink-haired girl that was for all intent and purpose, still attached to my arm. Saeko sitting next to me on the other side.

"No, thank you." I respond flatly. Saeko's father threw a one-eyed glance at me, before slowly leaving his cup on the table.

"My daughter told me that you wished to speak to me as soon as possible." He responds calmly.

"She told me you might have a plan? Something that could give us an, alternative to this place." I answer with a slight nod.

"You don't like it here?" He asks as he arks an eyebrow.

"As I matter of fact, I don't. You know what was the latest 'reward' I got for almost getting myself killed for a bunch of people that don't even know my name? A bunch of mouth breathers trying to rape Saya. So yes, I don't exactly find this place to be worth the effort." I respond with a slightly sarcastic tone as I motion my head towards the pinkette, who just kept staring at the floor. Saeko's father actually blinked at me in surprise as I spoke.

"That, is news to me. Does her father know about this?" He asks back as he glances at Saya, who kept her head down.

"I don't think so, I was not able to contact him since I returned. Nither did Saya." I respond.

"I see. I'll make sure to let him know of this then, he should be aware of the people he is dealing with. Do you, know who was responsible?" The old man nods slightly as he brings his hand to his chin.

"The actual groper? Some privileged tie in the high part of the camp. Personally though? I heard him mentioning the general. The same General that seems to have been caught a couple of times at the wrong place at the wrong time. That place being the camp's baths, the time being when it was full of naked girls." I respond as I tilt my head slightly.

"That, could indeed make things hard for you and your friends. Sadly, most of the general's bad points, are being ignored for the fact that he is in command of the safest base in the whole city." Saeko's father sighs slightly as he speaks.

"And it was because of his expertise I take it, not because the airport is essentially surrounded by sea with only one way through. Which happens to be an easily defendable bridge?" I 'ask'...

"Restarting the dam, linking up outposts. He might be a disgraceful individual. But we can't do anything as long as he gets results. Not in times like these. He also fills another important role for the rest of the government officials. One, of a scapegoat. He makes all the ugly decisions, conscripting civilians, sending people in essential suicide runs. The government will have to 'blame' somebody when balance returns and the masses will want justice for what they went through. The fact that he is a lecherous individual actually works for them, they let him do as he pleases, and when the time comes, they will come to 'slay the dragon'. I am actually, surprised if he has yet to realize that he is dancing around his own guillotine right now. "Saeko's father folds his arms as he speaks.

"But in all honesty, I am more worried about the 'new' arrivals. The general, for all his faults, has seen the chaos and knows of the danger the infected possess." He adds as he turns his stare towards his cup of tea.

"So you mean I have to choose between a fat lecher that thinks this place is his personal brothel and has 'already' provoked me more than once. Or a bunch of pencil pushers that fled in their private helicopters and jets at the first sign of trouble. Who, while the word was getting eaten alive, were snoring in their safe bunkers. And are as likely to fuck up and crawl back into their holes, leaving us to clean the mess, again. I think I'm better off living in the mountains if that's the case..." I sigh as I shake my head. Saeko's father closed his eyes and nods.

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