New Destination reached

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"And that's how we ended up here..." I glance out of the window to my left as I keep speaking.

Outside, several floors below, was the backside of the building. Same one that had the giant yard in the front. The reason I didn't see any of Saya's Dad men wandering around, was because he was given the 'backside' of the building. That as a side note, also had electricity, guess they had generators somewhere? The backside now consisted of another big yard surrounded by roads, each intersection blocked with the same type of fence in order to create a square shape of 'living' space. Other than the survivors he dragged around, that were now in the front part of the building in the tents I saw earlier, the backside had most of the equipment they brought from the mansion. Along with several makeshift installations. Now, speaking of Saya's dad...

"..." He was just staring at me with his arms folded, sitting on the opposite side of the table...

Yuriko was next to him, Saeko and Saya sitting by my side of the table. Rika was obviously not here. Other than the fact that we took her car and guns, she barely knew us. And Hitomi, was also not here. As after waking up and getting pale-faced the moment she saw Souichiro staring at her, she decided to 'go' with the other civilians...

"Naier." Souichiro speaks up after what must have been an eternity of silence.

"Thought I told you to protect my daughter." He says flatly.

(Uhh, I could not think of anything to say as to 'why' the girls are here with me without making it obvious that they missed their chance to get extracted because of me. So, I told the truth.)

"You did, but I can't shave her bald and shove her in a room to protect her." I answer, causing Saya to turn to me with a stupefied expression.

"So you instead let her recklessly plummet into a river while being inside a car." He responds with the same flat tone.

"Papa he didn't..."

"I am speaking with Sepfier now. Do not interrupt." Souichiro cuts off Saya before she could even finish her sentence. She responded by turning her hands into fists while keeping them under the table. Glancing away as she narrowed her eyes, but keeping her mouth otherwise closed.

(Oh boy, the guy might be actually pissed right now. So, change of plans, being passive now ain't going to help me.)

"It was that, or leaving her with the rest of the group." I lean forward as I place my hands on the table.

"And they still had a relative distance to go till the extraction point. An extraction that we were not even sure if it was still there. I didn't trust them with keeping her safe." I add up as I lean back on the chair.

"Takashi, for all the good leader that he is. He mostly reacted, rather than acted. He didn't plan ahead. Instead, he solved problems as they came up to him. And that can lead to walking into a problem that can 'not' be solved." I say as I fold my arms.

(I am actually talking out of my ass here. I got no idea how Takashi 'led' because I honestly did not pay too much attention to him.)

"And you're different?" Souichiro asks.

"In the estate. I was the only one that 'did' something, rather than wandering around like a lost kid. Not my words." I glanced at Yuriko as I spoke.

"Yes, I do remember saying that." Yuriko nods as she speaks up. Shouchiro just keeps staring at me silently.

"And, I don't mean for when the E.M.P's fell. That, was reacting. What I mean was before the E.M.P.. Takashi spent his time strolling around with Rei instead of thinking of what we need to do to prepare for our next step, even after he agreed that we will split from your group he just twiddled his thumbs. That could have ended up with us leaving with no supplies at all." I lower my head and turn slightly to my left, where Saeko was sitting.

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