no such thing as over-prepared

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(You know. In retrospect, I should have expected for this to happen. I mean, this is Saya we're talking about.)

Thankfully, the mask absorbed most of the impact, as the book crash-landed on my face. After placing the book she just threw at me in front of me, I shook my head and focused my eyes back at face, yeah. Pretty much like looking at a pink-haired tomato.

"Ok ok, I get. No pink tornados. So please, no violence in the library." I say as I lift both hands in a surrendering motion. She just huffs at me before turning her attention back toward the textbook that was in front of her.

"Still. Why must I be the only one with a weird nickname... " I say as I nonchalantly open the book she just threw at me.

"Because you're..."

"An idiot, I know..." I cut her off as I keep looking at the book.

(Talk about a short fuse. The only way to tell her a joke is by posting it online and then sending her the link from a safe distance...)

I tried not to chuckle as I took a look at the book's index. And then, it hit me.

(Posting, videos? Wait a minute.)

"Hey, are there any recent videos uploaded? You know, post-outbreak." I look up from the book towards Saya. She stops writing and turns her attention to the phone.

"Yes, if you go to the main page of the site I'm checking. The latest videos are from a couple of hours ago." She kept writing something in the notebook as she spoke.

(Hmm, I wonder.)

"Did you watch any of them?" I ask. Saya lifts her head and looks at me, her face still with a slight shade of red on it, nothing like the 'tomato' red she had a minute ago though.

"No, we don't have time to waste, remember? You said so yourself." She said as she kept looking at me.

"True, but right now this could be our best, and only chance of finding information on what these things are. Out of all the people in the world, there must be somebody with medical knowledge. That has had the chance to well, find out something, anything about the corpses." I close the book as I speak. Saya just keeps staring at me for a few seconds before finally picking up the phone.

"There are thousands of videos uploaded herε, just from the last day alone. How are we going to find something like that without wasting all of our time?" She waves the phone at me as she speaks.

"Easy, just look for the most viewed videos from the last two days with tags that match what we want to find. Things like Virus, Infection, Bacteria, Dissection, Medical. You know, stuff like that." I point my finger at the phone as I lean on the desk.

Saya lets off a sigh before bringing the phone close to her face as she starts typing.

(Why didn't I think of this earlier. Actually, why didn't SHE think of this earlier? Ain't she supposed to be a genius or something?)

And a few minutes later, Saya's eyes go wide.

"Found something?" I ask.

She just passes me the phone without saying anything, I take it and look at the screen. The words 'Scientific explanation for the new unknown pathogen' typed on the search bar. Under it, an unending number of videos. Most of them looked the same though, recorded by a cellphone in the middle of a street. Except, for the first video in the lineup.

That one was taken inside a laboratory of some sorts. While the uploader's name was, 'ADSGNF'? The video itself had more than three billion views. That was three billion, in two days. I glanced at Saya, who just glanced back at me before looking back at the phone. I then also look towards the screen, and press the play button...

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