Purple fire

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"So I need to wipe it, like this?..." I ask as I keep sitting on my bed. Running the napkin in my hand from the tsuba, all the way up to the tip of the blade. An open sword cleaning kit on the stand to my left next to the bed. My mask and balaclava also next to me on the bed.

"Yes, and be careful not to touch it with your fingers, or you will have to do it all over again." Saeko responds with a serious tone while sitting next to me.

She had her hair up in a ponytail, and was wearing one of my own shirts, and pants. The reason? She took a bath in my room after we got here. And didn't bring any of her own clothes...

"Is it really 'that' bad?" I ask as I turn to look at her with an arched eyebrow. Saeko nods almost instantly as she keeps looking at the blade.

"Your fingerprints have oils that can damage the blade. If you do not take good care of your sword, it will not take good care of you. Also, It is considered to be disrespectful." She answers as she turns to look at me...

"And I need to do this, after every time I cut something with it..." I add as I turn to look at the now shiny sword in my hands.

"Yes, or you will end up with a rusty blade and a blunt edge." Saeko responds with the same serious tone as she keeps staring at me...

(...When she told me that she didn't clean my blade because of its horrible condition. I feared that this would be half a scolding lesson. And sadly, I was right. Or, Saeko is really cut and dry when it comes to sword maintenance.)

"Don't space out Naier." Saeko pokes my shoulder as she leans her face towards me.

"Was not spacing out." I answer almost instantly.

"Then don't stop your hand." She responds right after...

"You should have told me that you did not do some basic maintenance on the blade after Hitomi gave it to you. The previous owner took really bad care of it." She adds as she turns to look at the sword.

"So, after this is done. Will it cut titanium?" I 'ask' as I turn to look at Saeko.

"No Naier, trying to cut something this hard with a sword this cheap will damage the blade." She responds flatly.

(...What? So expenses blades 'can' cut titanium here? And holy crap, the joke just went right over her head. Too much tunnel vision on our dear samurai right now...)

"Why are you staring at me?..." She asks after blinking at me a couple of times.


I turn my head to look back at the sword without answering.

"It's kinda funny though..." I add as I glance at our 'maintenance equipment'. Saeko tilts her head questionably in response.

"All the instruments are so small. Small piece of cloth, small hammer, small uhh, grinding stone power in a whatchamacallit. And then, a giant bottle of mineral oil." I continue as I let out a small chuckle...

"The kit did not have an oil bottle inside. And mineral oil is our best replacement. We are really lucky that Saya's father had some to spare. The small hammer is used to remove the pegs in the sword's handle. The 'whachamacallit' as you called it, is indeed grinding stone powder. None of these have any reason to be giant, they function as well in their current size. And it also makes it easier to carry them around." Saeko answers as she also turns to look at the items.

I just nod back in silence as I keep working on the blade...

-Several minutes later-

"Uhh, well. Is this good enough? For now at least?" I ask as I finally stop pestering the blade. Lifting the sword slightly, making it reflect the evening sun.

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