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"...I said red shirt, commando. The one you got was wearing yellow. You aimed too far up and to the left. " Rika sighs as she shakes her head while sitting next to me...

"...Just, I'm working on it. Give me a few..." I groan right after as I lift my head from the scope and turn the top small cylinder that was on it towards the right a few clicks.

"Ahhhhh, and here I was, looking forward to finally having some fun..." Rika tilts herself backward, leaning on her hands as she dramatically sighs.

"Well too bad for you..." Saya scoffs right after through my radio...

"Ok, help a brother out here. I'm conflicted. Rika kept saying how 'awesome' you were at the airport cleanup. Yet you didn't even calibrate your own gun after getting new parts on it? Such rookie mistakes should not be possible." The stocky dude chuckles.

"Oh bite me. I had other things in my mind..." I sigh as I keep fiddling with the scope.

(Not that this is an excuse had I ended up shooting one of the demo group's people by accident.)

"Hah. Don't worry, I understand, maybe the pressure of getting squeezed by two girls at the same time is a bit too much for you. Hell, to show you how good of a guy I am, I'll even volunteer to take some of that weight off your shoulders!" The stocky dude cackles.

"You know, I might not be able to hit a corpse while I'm aiming from a six-story building. But I don't think I'm gonna miss your fat ass from this up close." I respond as I keep looking at the scope.

"Hah? Is that how you treat the guy that carried the whole team? Ts, ts, ts" The stocky dude responds with a smirk.

"Excuse me, what?" Rika asks as she arcs an eyebrow.

"What, what. I killed more than all of you combined~" The stocky dude triumphantly blows some air out of his nose as he narrows his eyes.

"That's because you were blindly shooting at a horde. Obviously you'd kill more when the rest of us while we were busy keeping the real threats away from the demo team as it fell back to the boat." The sniper dude shrugs.

"Whaaaat? I can't hear you~ All I hear is 'Waaa, waaa'." The stocky dude chuckles again as he puts his hand on his helmet, to where his ear is supposed to be, then leans towards the sniper, who just turned to look back down the overrun street with an annoyed sigh.

"Well, you can say whatever you want." I respond as I lift my gun to look through my scope, finger off the trigger, aiming straight at the stocky dude.

"Oh hell! What the hell dude!" The stocky dude quickly leans his upper body away from my scope, which ended up aiming at the generic dude behind him, who was too busy looking through his binoculars to even realize I was aiming at him.

"But do me a favor. You don't know what Saeko or Saya have been through. And, considering you have been acting like a total fuckboi up until now. You'll more likely hurt them if you do manage to get them to open up to you. So quit that lame-ass joke. Also, you'll probably turn them into aggressive man-hating feminists, which is bad for everybody..." I add as I turn to aim back down at the horde. Aiming once again at the corpse with the red shirt that I had missed.

(Well, Saya didn't really go through anything more compared to all the other survivors, since I did save her house and her parents are still alive with us. And yea, she did have a breakdown, but what did you expect from a rich girl who had her expensive world pulled under her feet. But, whatever...)


And with a single shot, the red shirt corpse's head blows up.

"Got'im." I add as I turn to look at Rika.

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