Break time's over

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"UGGHHH! Come ON you stupiiiiiiiiiiiid!" Saya exclaims with a loud groan as she keeps trying to turn the MP5's bolt head in order to lock it on the bolt carrier. The MP5 itself disassembled on the table, next to the closed laptop.

"Uhh, are you sure you don't want me to..."

"No! I can do iii-ah..." Saya cuts me off as she tries to push the whole carrier against her torso, causing the recoil spring to bend. And then slip the fingers. The whole carrier flying off her hands, and landing straight flat to my face...

"Oh crap! S, sorry!" Saya instantly shouts as I put my hand on my forehead.

"And that's why, you always need to wear head protection kids..." I respond as I rub my forehead, then lower my hand to look at my fingers...

(Oh? Tis was a critical hit.)

"Y, you're bleeding!" Saya gets off her chair and grabs my face, turning it to face her.

"Well, that thing did fly off pretty fast." I responded as I tapped the stinging point on my forehead.

"D, don't touch it!" Saya slaps my hand away from my forehead with a high pitched tone...

(Jeez mom...)

She then lets go of me and gets up, turning to head towards the bathroom.

"Don't touch it!" She exclaims right before entering the bathroom...

"It's just a scrape, why the freakout?..." I ask, pretty much myself.

Saya then exits the bathroom after a few seconds. Rubbing alcohol and a cotton ball in hand.

"Really now?" I ask as I tilt my head.

"We need to make sure it doesn't get infected. Don't be stupid." She answers as she walks up to me, then sits on the chair ahead of me.

"Uhh, if you put it like that." I shrug slightly and extend my arm. Saya glances at it, then looks back at my face.

"I'll do it, you can't see your forehead can you?" She responds as she ignores my hand, dousing a small part of the cotton ball with alcohol.

"Umm, tell me if it hurts..." She adds with a rather meek voice as she taps my forehead lightly.

(Uhh, well. It hurts as much as you'd expect from putting alcohol in an open wound.)

And like that, we turned silent...

(If I knew that this would end up with casualties. I'd have picked a different way to pass the time when I had the chance. While I did not mind just sitting on the bed with her, she wanted to 'finish' her lessons on the gun. So, of course after she ended up writing all the stuff I told her in a new textbook she found in here. She wanted to 'try' them out on the gun...)

I switch my glance towards the window.

(Also, I have been seeing helicopters flying over the airport's sky for some time now. 'Something' is definitely up over there...)

"Sorry..." Saya whispers...

"Crap happens, don't sweat it." I answer as I shrug my shoulders.

"That's, a stupid excuse people make in order to justify their stupid decisions..." She frowns slightly as she presses the cotton ball on my forehead.

"Huh? My, it sounds as if you almost 'want' me to ask for compensation..." I respond as I make a slight smirk, arching one eyebrow up.

"D, don't be ridiculous. Why would I want you to do anything weird to me..." She glances at me before looking away, ending her sentence with a low tone mumble.

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