New house, Old problems

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(Well, it's official. My life... sucks.)

I sigh as I look around the empty room for the millionth time. Right now, I was locked in what seemed to be an empty bedroom on the second floor in Saya's 'house'.

(At least, I managed to get here..)

I think as I look at my right hand, that was handcuffed to a hole in the table in front of me

(At least I'm not in an actual cell. I got a big ass window on my back to let the sunshine in... )

I sigh and hit my head on the table.

(God this is a pack of bullshit.)

I could feel the cold wood on my cheek as I took a deep breath.

(After Saya's mom went all American Cop on me, they separated me from the group and took me here. While I understand why they took all of my equipment. Did they really have to take my mask too? I liked that mask...)

I lift my head slightly only to bump it on the table again.

(Ughhh... I was planning on having a break here. So give me a fucking break.)

I let out a dry laugh as I lift my head and look around the room one more time.

(I have been sitting here for god knows how long after Yuriko, aka Saya's mom, decided to arrest me for... endangering the group? What sort of holy crap is that anyway? We are in the middle of a god damn zombie outbreak people, get with the times.)

I gave my handcuffs a couple of light tugs, when I heard the door open. I turned my head to see Yuriko walking inside. She closed the door behind her and walked to the other side of the table, before taking a seat herself. She then started staring at me in silence...

(Oh great. Now I'm in a fucking detective movie.)

We stayed like that for a couple of minutes, just... staring at each other.

(Does she have to stare so hard?)

"So, uhh...what now? You're going to execute me or something?" I ask jokingly.

"It's one of the debatable options." She answers calmly as she keeps staring.

(She's joking. Right?)

I sigh at her response...

"What do you want from me then?" I ask. And before she could speak up, I continued.

"Because I don't think you came here just to stare at me..." I lean back on my chairs as I switch my glance to the handcuffs on my hand.

"Indeed I did not Sepfier. I'm here for a reason." She says as she folds her arms under her chest and leans back on her chair as well.

"I'm here so we can decide what we will do with you." She says as she keeps staring at me.

(We? Isn't Saya's father supposed to be at a powerplant or something? Actually, why the fuck does she know my name in the first place? Not many people should know it. Other than my group, that did not have any contact with her up until now, my 'family' that is on the other side of the globe and... )

The door then opens once again. And a certain, snake faced, glass toting, suit-wearing slimeball walks in.

(Shido... I know, I shouldn't be surprised... But. How. The. Hell? In the anime he arrived right before the nuke blast, so he is here way too fucking early. Ughh, and let me guess, he is somehow connected to the reason as of why I'm sitting here right now. Why can't he just, fade out from existence or something?)

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