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(You know. I don't know whether I should be surprised, or sigh at how comical this is...)

It has been a few minutes since we entered the 'conference' room. We as in Rika, Saya, Saeko, and me.

On the opposite side of us, sitting by a set of tables that created an 'arc' that extended to about half the room, three people. Saya's dad to my right, the from the burning mansion to my left, and the 'lot's o medals General that was responsible for this establishment in the center.

(...Uhh, I know I should not judge a book by its cover. But the General in the center, he looks like a fat guy straight out of an NTR game. Ughh, come on Naier, don't badmouth the guy. He might not be so b...)

"Is this some sort of joke? 'These' are the people that 'helped' you? It's just a bunch of kids." The 'lot's o medals' General scoffs.

(...Aaand he's an ass.)

The moment the General finished his sentence, I reflexively glanced to my left to find Saya glaring at the man, her eyebrow twitching slightly.

(Right, Saya really 'likes' being called a kid. And he just had to use 'these' words...)

"Did we get called here just so somebody can voice his displeasure?" I 'ask'. The General narrowing his eyes with an obviously displeased look.

"I have two people here in relatively high standing, telling me that 'you' provided some valuable assistance. Yet, all I see is an insubordinate boy and two highschool girls." The General responds as he keeps staring at me.

"Sir, we're in the middle of a very important operation. I would not have mentioned them if I didn't think they were up to the task." The M. General calmly speaks up as he turns to look at the grumpy ol General.

"I'm not one to mince my words General. That 'boy', as you called him, is the reason we managed to leave my estate, instead of having to flee from it." Souichiro adds with a stern look.

(I should be happy that these two are backing me up right now. But, task? I REALLY don't like the sound of that.)

The General lets out an exaggerated sigh before folding his arms.

"I will give you two options. One, you will go with the infiltration team into the airport. Two, you will hand over all of your equipment to us." The General states.

(Like hell I'm giving you my stuff you fat ass.)

"When are we leaving?" I 'ask'. Trying to hide the sarcastic tone that I really wanted to take.

"...'You' are leaving in ten minutes. I was only informed about you, not your. 'Friends'." He responds as he turns to look at Saeko, then Saya. Not even trying to hide 'where' he was staring at...

(Danm, he even acts like an NTR class old man. What's next? He will 'take care' of the girls while I'm gone?)

I was also rather surprised that the girls did not speak back, though they both didn't look too 'chirpy' right now.

"Fine, but they keep their equipment as well." I respond.

"You are not in a bartering position here kid." The General leans back on his chair.

"I'm not bartering. Nobody is touching my, or their equipment." I respond as I also fold my arms.

"I don't think you..."

"General, need I remind you that these people are under my command? I agreed to help with your operation. But I'm to decide whether their equipment gets taken or not" Souichiro finally speaks up. And uhh, the fact that he passed the General for about two heads in height, made it look like he was staring down at him now...

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