Movie night pt 1

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"I don't see the reason for us to go in a location that's already visibly overrun. Sticking our necks out won't give us anything..." Saya folds her arms as she speaks, looking out the glass wall with a slight frown.

"Well, both the hospital and the gas station were in bad shape." I respond as I tilt my head, glancing at the new textbook we had on the nightstand, which was now between me Saeko and Saya. Three paragraphs written on an otherwise empty page. One titled hospital, the other cinema, and the third gas station.

"The hospital is out of the question." Saya responds as she turns to me.

"It's a damn hospital. Everybody would have rushed there when this thing started, just because the top floors 'looked' fine does not mean that they are. And who knows what else might be there." She adds as she narrows her eyes at the textbook.

"Then it's the cinema, or the gas station." Saeko speaks up.

"The gas station honestly nudges me the wrong way for some reason, the only thing it had going for it was the open space, which would make it easier to spot corpses from a distance and make a quick escape, but with the car pile-up it had, even that is null. And unlike a house, any noise made there won't be blocked by a wall. Having a horde staring at me over a bunch of cars that might not even have their hand brakes pulled, sounds like a no go for me..." I respond as I lean on my chair.

"That leaves the cinema then." Saeko tilts her head slightly as she also folds her arms.

"Yea. Best bet to be the safest choice too. Noise insulation would have kept any corpses from going inside while electricity still ran, everything else around it would have been louder. The only problem is, that it's as likely to have survivors, as it is to be overrun. And well, if somebody turned in the cinema and infected the rest while inside, noise insulation works both ways." I add with a nod.

"Hmm, the main doors that led inside, do you remember if they were open?" Saya asks.

"Nope." I respond flatly. Saya purses her lips and turns to look towards the window, seemingly annoyed by my answer.

"I was too busy trying to explain to you 'why' it was a good spot to note down, to pay attention to that." I respond with a slight smirk, causing Saya to turn towards me with a frown, before sticking her tongue out for half a second, then turning to look back out the window again...

(...Huh, since when Saya started sticking her tongue out so much? She never did that in the anime. Maybe she feels more open towards me? So she's being extra childish?...)

I hold myself from chuckling at the thought, then take a deep breath before getting up.

"Well, cinema it is then." I add as I stretch my arms.

"Let's go inform your dad Saya. If we're lucky, we might be able to get there by air. As the building itself is pretty far away." I respond as I turn to the pinkette.

"Ha, doubt they'd even let us take a bicycle along if it's up to them." Saya snorts as she also gets up.

With that, I 'arm' myself with my sword and Scar-H, then move to leave the room, Saeko and Saya following behind me after they gathered their own stuff.

Once out, we headed to the stairs. And before we started going down, I made one last quick check, making sure that all the extra mags were on the vest, and that they were not empty. Then, we started going down the stairs...

"Your dad is waiting downstairs or you will inform him via radio?" I ask as I turn to Saya.

"I doubt that he'd wait for a whole hour. But let's go down first, if papa is not there, I'll radio him then." Saya responds as she glances at me, then turns to look down the stairs again.

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