What did you really want?

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(I don't when I don't know how. But someday, I will thank Rika for the car)

Having no clocks, I didn't really know how much time had passed since we left the supermarket. What I did know was, that we reached our destination in one piece.

"Home sweet home. If home is a run-down store that is." I shut down the car's engine as it entered the alleyway by the convenience store, the same alleyway we parked it in last time. Even the door we unscrewed and used as a makeshift barricade was still there.

"Well, with the shutter's down, it should be relatively safe" Saya responds as she starts packing her stuff back in her bag. Aka the map and radios.

"At least I can't see any corpses around right now" Saeko adds as she keeps leaning between the two front seats.

"They probably got drawn away by the engine's sound, when we left with the car last time." I answer as I steer the car close towards the store's wall to my right, then turn left, in order to create that 'cone' shape with the opposite wall, so we can use the door to block the opening once again.

"Which means, we'll have them coming back now..." Saya stops fiddling with her bag as she speaks.

"More corpses, less curious survivors" I answer plainly.

"Yea yea, I know." Saya sighs slightly as she hugs her bag and turns to look at me.

"In any case, let's go." I open the door, take my bag and exit the car.

(Hmm, maybe I should have parked with the hood facing the road. Oh well.)

"Saya, remember how we set up the door last time?" I ask as I turn to the pink-haired girl after reaching the metal door that laid on the ground.

"Yea, and seeing how you parked, I take it we'll do the same thing again?" Saya asks as she exits the car and turns to look at said door.

I nod, pick it up, and move to place it between the car and the wall.

Saya first checked to see if the humvee's backside completely blocked the right wall, then walked around the hood and came up to me, on the door's opposite site. Saeko just stared for a couple of seconds before walking up to me as well.

With that, we shoved the store's door between the car and the wall, ending up with the store's door 'jamming' on the driver's door.

"Alright, we're not aiming to stay here for too long, so it should do for now" I say as I back away and nod.

Saeko glances at me before also taking a few steps back, Saya was actually on the other side of the barricade, so she just stared at me.

"Saeko, come on." I motion with my head as I move to climb up the car's trunk...

I actually saw Saya smirking to herself as I and Saeko moved from the trunk to the hood of the car.

(Is she really feeling that triumphant because she didn't have to climb this time around? Heh, cute.)

After grouping back up, we headed to the back alleyway of the store. Towards the back door that led to the small hallway that had the stairs which led to the upper floor to its left.

"Did we leave the door open?" I ask as I stop and raise my arm.

"Can't remember. We left in a rush and I was barely awake" Saya responds as she peeks over my shoulder. Or you know, she tried to, being that I'm a head taller than her.

"Wait here" I move forward and to the left, towards the opposite wall from which the store's door was at.

(If it has people inside...what do I do? Leave? Kick them out? Group up? Each decision sounds worse than the last one, especially if I'll have to trust that a bunch of random hobos won't try anything funny while we're asleep. Saeko and Saya were after all, based on Morita. Among the 'hottest' girls in our school, even by this world's standards, and, I totally agree with him.)

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