On the road once again

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"To your left!" The white-haired girl shouts as she flies right over my head.

Glancing to my left and down. I see a giant metallic, half-snake, half humanoid dragon 'thing' coming right at me. Mouth gaping open, thousands of small rotating saw blades visible in its mouth.

I turn the right jet wing that's hovering right next to my shoulder and aim the thruster straight down, then blast it off. The serpent scheming right past my legs as it whizzes past me. The force of the blast making me roll over in the air, as the next moment I was able to focus the targeting system of my suit, I was upside down.

"Wide open." I chuckle as I throw a light punch to the right jet wing. The metallic contraption responding by lining up to my side, with the thruster now pointing forward. And as the circle on my visor started to home in on the back of the serpent, the tip of the thruster started to shrink in scale, turning into a muzzle.

'Target Locked' a notification appears on my visor's top-left part as the circle flashed red. With the flick of the wrist, the thruster activated, a stream of red light coming from the tip. Instantly impacting the back of the robot that started to flail about as it plummeted towards the ground.

"Activate second, third, and fourth cannons." I throw another light tap on the wing to my left. Causing it to also come to my left side and point forward, two more cannon-like wings coming up over my shoulders, also pointing forward, while the serpent-like robot crashed into the ground, creating a large crater at the point of impact.

Nonetheless, it lifted itself up and turned to face me. Pointing the giant ax it had its hand at me, the thrusters on the underside of its body causing the trees around it to sway. The shot that connected to its back, seemed to only anger it even more.

"Naier what are you doing?! Move!" The flying, purple-haired girl shouts as she slices through a drone.

"No need. That killachine, it ain't getting off the ground again." I respond as all four thrusters 'break apart'. a bright red light shining through the cracks of the contraption along with a constant whirring sound that kept increasing in volume as the light through the cracks started to also increase in intensity.

'Charge. 80%' A text appears on the top right part of my visor as the metallic serpent then launches itself off in the air. Brandishing the ax in its hand as it started screeching like a banshee, dashing towards me...

'Charge. 100%' And, with a 'tick'. A deafening sound echoed as I got pushed back, my vision also taken away from the exceedingly bright light...

"Naier!" I hear a voice shout again...

"Naier..." The voice says again, this time in a much calmer tone.

"Come on, how long are you going to..." The voice then stops mid-sentence. After a short silence, I felt something touching my neck, poking a certain place on the left side...

"Ahh, this is. Uhh, I, might have gotten a bit too, fixated yesterday." The voice whispers.

"He, he might not see it. He's always wearing his idiotic mask after all." It adds right after.

"Come you stupid, think, think..." The voice then says in an annoyed tone.

"I'm going to bring it here..." It adds. And then, disappears...

After some time in silence, I let out a groan bringing my hand to my face. An annoying bright light poking straight into my eyes...

I let out a sigh as I opened my eyes. The light that kept bugging me, was coming from the open window to my left, the sun, being the annoying brat that it is, was shining straight into my face at full force...

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