Running late for school

903 31 8

('s kind of weird how empty the streets are...we have yet to see a single corpse, much less a group of them. Normally, i would be glad about that, but now it just feels...weird for some reason. Then again, a helicopter is supposed to be loud as fuck. So is it possible that the ones that Saya saw caused all of the corpses around here to move away?)

While i was in my own world, i failed to realize that the two girls in front of me had stopped walking. So, i ended up bumping right into the person that was right in front of me, in other words, Saya. Who then turned to me with a frown and moved her lips to the words 'Are you stupid?'.

"My bad" I whispered as i shrugged slightly and glanced past her...

The road still looked clear as ever...but the reason the girls stopped turned out to be pretty obvious. As in the distance, I could see the bridge where we left the car at. Saeko then turns around and walks up to close up to me. She leans forward and brings her face over my left shoulder.

"We're near the bridge, should we keep moving forward?" She asks.

"I don't see the corpse horde anywhere for us to have a reason to stop. Saya did say she saw helicopters...and these things are as loud as hell. If they passed from this direction, they might have baited everything away..." I whisper back...

"Yes, that's true..." Saeko backs off and nods. I then turn to Saya and motion her to come to me. She...glances around, then looks at me for a couple of seconds, before finally walking over to me with her head slightly lowered...

(...Don't tell me she's being shy now...)

"You said you saw helicopters right?...Do you remember which direction they were headed?" I ask the moment she got near. She nods and turns towards my right. She then looks around before putting her hand under her chin.

"Hmmm...they came from there...and landed there..." She points her finger to her right, in other words, behind me and inland, then runs her finger along towards her left.

"After that, they took off and continued straight" She then keeps moving her finger to the left.

", if they didn't circle around the area or had another extraction point to head to. Then that means they went from point A to point B, and then headed towards point other words. The base they took off and the base they returned was different...that's good..." I nod as i whisper.

"Good? Because they didn't return to the same base?" Saeko asks.

"Well, if that was the military, then it means that they have more than one functioning base. More bases means bigger influence and longer, as long as they ain't trying to kill us all, that's good" I whisper as i turn to Saeko.

"Huh, don't be stupid, why would the military try to kill us?" Saya asks right after.

"Dono, but it tends to be a very common trope in zombie games...they usually end up being the bad guys that were developing the virus and then released it by accident or otherwise" I answer with a shrug...Saya just silently face palms and lowers her head as she shakes it.

"How...did you even survive this long?" She 'asks' as she turns back to me. I just shrugged once more.

"In any case, let's move on" I add right after. Saeko nods at me, turns around and starts walking. With Saya following suit shortly after.

...A couple of minutes later, we were by the bridge. With the road to my right being the one with the car that ended up on the other car's roof, thanks to the dynamite that i tossed...

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