Parking space

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When was the last time I did nothing? You know, just sitting back and relaxing? Leaving the rest of the group to deal with whatever crap got in our way, rather than charging headfirst into danger myself...

If we exclude some minor moments, never. I always 'did' something. So, this must be a first. I mean, I did fall asleep shortly after we left the estate. And the horde was still following us, meaning that we were not out of the woods when I decided to pass out...

But hey, I ain't no one-man-army. I can let somebody else deal with this crap once in a while. And well. We were inside the Humvee, so it's not like I bailed on them at an important moment or something. Then again, maybe I have this mentality right now because I'm half asleep and don't give a single fuck about anything...

But, you know what they say. All good things must come to an end...

As the moment my brain realized I was conscious again, it started bugging me, non-stop. Telling me that I needed to think of a plan for the events that will take place in the mall. And annoying as it may be, I knew that it was right.

I move my head slightly and take a deep breath while still keeping my eyes closed.

(Ughhh... I don't even want to open my eyes. Good thing I can think with my eyes closed...

So. Uhhhh, right, the Mall. Asami and Kohta. Shizuka and the rapist. Granny and the clinic. And lastly the extraction helicopters along with the mall getting overrun. If I'm not forgetting something, that should sum up the major events that take place there.

So, let's take things one step at a time now. First of all is getting there...

Uhh, why I get the feeling that I'm forgetting, something?)

And a few seconds later, it hit me....

(Oh, Shit! Saeko. Takashi. Split. Shrine. Fuck! FUCK!)

I opened my eyes abruptly and moved my head slightly to the right as I darted my eyes around the car's interior...

Other than the fact that the sun was up, I could see Saeko sitting next to me with Rei on her right. Takashi was sitting next to Rei, and Kohta was sitting next to Takashi by the car's door, the Scar-H still in his hands.

Yeah, five people in the back seats. Explains why Saeko was pretty much stuck to my side. Not that I'm complaining mind you...

I breathe a silent sigh of relief as I close my eyes again.

(Ok, either the split didn't happen or it didn't happen 'yet'. But the sun is already out, so it might not happen at all. 'Normally' Saeko and Takashi spend the night in that shrine and uhh. Yeah 'things' happen.

Ok so, now that I'm fully awake and 'that' is out of my mind, back to the task at hand. The mall. Let's start with the cop girl that Asami idolizes. She probably left the mall yesterday evening to find help based on what the manga showed, and if she was a wandering corpse right outside the mall, that means she didn't get too far before she got bit.

The way Asami kept on saying how that woman was supposed to be an awesome cop, I find it hard to believe that she would try to return to the mall after she got infected. I'd think she would understand the moral impact it would have if she was seen as a walking corpse. Especially if she was the only hope they had for a rescue.

So my chances of saving her are sadly, probably non-existent. She's most likely already dead by now. Best I can do, is find her before the others see her and finish her off. If she really is a corpse.

Next, Asami and Kohta. And what I can consider as the main deal with this whole situation. She will have a huge impact on Kohta. I need to make sure she survives, by any means necessary. Even if that ends with me tying her up to a chair and locking her in a god damn storage room in order to prevent her from effectively killing herself...

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