Takagi estate it is then

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(Nope, can't do it. I just can't. No matter how much I want to. I... just... can't... Sleep!)

I was sitting between the Humvee's back seats. Awake, while the rest of the group slept soundly.

While I did doze off from time to time after we started driving. I kept having the same god damn dream, over and over again. Nothing scary like a nightmare mind you.

What I dreamed was, that I had a hat made of ringing alarm clocks strapped to my head. And while I knew it was a dream because of the ridiculousness of the situation, it felt 'real' enough to wake me up, every, single, time.

(Uhh, while I can see fine now, and my ears have stopped ringing. I still have a horrible headache. Probably the reason why I keep seeing that same damn 'dream'.)

I then turn my head to my right. Takashi was fast asleep with Rei sitting next to him, both covered under the same sleeping bag.

(Rei certainly did not miss her chance huh? Still don't understand what goes on her head though. Don't think I ever will.)

Actually. Now that I looked around me, everybody was actually covered with a sleeping bag. Even me.

(Somebody probably covered me while I was out cold.)

I sigh silently and turn my head towards the front seats. To the only other person that was also awake right now, aka. Shizuka, who was still driving, probably towards the river.

Saya was sleeping with Alice on her lap, in the front passenger seat. Kohta was, umm, on the floor next to Takashi, his back against the front driver seat.

(Saya sure sleeps a lot. She was out cold in the house as well. Heh, I would like to believe that she's less toxic towards me now. But she was asleep for half the day, and when she was awake, I was deaf. So go figure, I don't know either way. It's more like she didn't get the chance to be pissed at me. She did look worried back then though. Still, that could just have been my blurry vision, showing me what I wanted to see.)

Lastly, I turn to my left to see Saeko sleeping with her head against the window, also covered by a sleeping bag.

(Well, I did say that I would cockblock Takashi. Should I feel proud of myself now?...

But, you know what? I also realized that I was never present when Saeko and Takashi spoke with each other. For all I know, she could have already developed feelings for him seeing as things seem to be trying to stick to the events of the anime.

Ugh...The world has ended. I have killed things that used to be human without batting a frigging eyelash. Hell I might end up dead by tomorrow.

And what I'm actually worried about is whether Saeko has fallen for Takashi? I need to get my fucking priorities straight.

I mean, it's not like I'm any better from Takashi when it comes down to this subject. He wants both Rei and Saeko, and I like both Saeko and Saya. Though I don't think they know that, and I intend to keep it that way. For now at least)

Just as I was about to try my best to sleep and start a new war within my head, the car takes a sudden sharp turn to the left, causing me to almost fall on Rei.

"Oh crud" I hear Shizuka 'curse' before she starts looking to her left, and then glances back.

"Oh thank goodness. They're all still asleep. I'm still a teacher, I can't speak like that in front of my students." Shizuka says as she looks around before turning her sight back towards the street.

(Just a couple of hours ago we were on a killing spree. She herself ran over a lot of corpses, yet she's worried about swearing in front of us? Heh. Shizuka will be Shizuka I guess.)

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