Just call the police

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"Alright...so...how do we go about this?..."Takashi asks as he stares at the Humvee that was parked in the garage.

"Well, there ain't a lot of ways we 'can' go about this, we take the car, drive close to the station, park it in a secluded spot and check the place out...police or not, i don't think it's a good idea to march over there with a military-grade vehicle...because i'm a hundred percent sure, that if there are people in that place, we'll lose the car and everything in it. I...don't need to tell you in what kind of a tight spot we'll be in if they do take our stuff...and then decide that our problems ain't worth dealing with..." I respond as i look at the Humvee...and take a bite out of the energy bar that i held in my hand...

(Uhh...I'd rather be eating a normal meal right now...but...no time...I guess we could say that we...ate the fish...which we didn't...as they went bad before we could even bring them here...)

"Yea, you're right..." Takashi nods without saying anything else...and...just keeps staring that car.

A couple of seconds later, Kohta walked into the garage. A first aid kit and a coil of blue synthetic rope in his right hand. Three rolls of duct tape and two rock-climbing hooks in his left hand.

"I checked the boat's small front storage and found these. Makes me wonder if the people that used to live here were into extreme sports" He says as he tries to get a better grip on the items in his left hand.

"Rope and duct tape?...Hmm not bad, that's something we either won't need...or need really badly, throw them in." I point at the open trunk as i look at Kohta.

"You know it's a shame these hooks can't be shot from the crossbow we have...it would look really cool if we could tie a rope around them and use them as grappling hooks..." Kohta chuckles as he moves to the back of the Humvee and starts placing the stuff inside...

"Crossbow?" I ask as i finish eating and lower my headgear...Kohta then pulls a Barnett Wildcat C5 out of the trunk...along with three arrows.

"You know, the one we found in Rika's house..." He answers as he looks at the weapon...

(Wait...we took the crossbow with us?...Holy shit, i totally forgot about it...)

"And...why are we not using it? It should be more silent than any gun...plus...you can get the arrows back...right?" I ask as i stare at the weapon in Kohta's hands.

"Well..yea, but we only have three arrows...and to get more, we also need to find some hot glue to actually attach the arrow points and nocks...and this bow can only shoot twenty-inch carbon or aluminum arrows with half-moon nocks..." Kohta stops for a second and looks at the arrows.

"And...while this crossbow 'is' strong...i don't know if the arrow points we have can do the job...or if we need actual broadheads, as the points we have are 'target points' which are normally used for target practice, not hunting. Now if we do need broadheads...we'll probably need the expandable ones. And then...you also need to know how to 'draw' the crossbow correctly, so it won't end up causing damage to the arrow or it self...also, you must never dry fire it" As Kohta kept talking...he...uhh...started going from 'why we're not using this crossbow'...to...'How to use this crossbow'...and...while i did read a little about crossbows...well.

"...You lost me on...'this is a crossbow'.." I respond with a deadpan voice...Kohta just turns to look at me...and blinks a couple of times...

"Well, take a seat then. " He says as he starts talking...again...

(Well...knowing a thing or two about it...could be helpful)

And so...while Kohta was filling my head with crossbows, arrowheads, arrow points, knocks and stuff can't even fucking pronounce...the rest of the group slowly gathered into the garage...

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