Pink tornado

539 16 6

"FUUUUUUCCCK! Dig! dig, dig! DIG! You retarded mining laser!" I shout as I punch the recharging laser gun in my hand.

"Punching it won't make it recharge faster!" The blue scaled, blue-haired dragon girl shouts at me. Her greatsword on the ready as she kept staring at the dark cave corridor that extended behind us...

And, with a 'whirring' sound, followed by a 'click'. The laser gun's lights flared up.

"Finally! God I don't know why I came down to this fukin planet..." I groan as I point the laser gun at the wall ahead of me and pull the trigger. The rocky wall quickly evaporating, creating a circular uphill tunnel as the laser dug deeper and deeper..

"Because you wanted the loot! Now move your ass! The ground is shaking again!" The dragon girl shouts as she runs past me.

"Huh?! Wha?! Why are you running? Why are you running?! You're the close-range fighter here!" I shout as I stop using the laser and start running after the dragon girl.

"Like hell I'm fighting these things!" She shouts as she disappears into the dark, uphill tunnel...

"You're supposed to be my protection damit! I'm a gun user!" I shouted as I kept running up the tunnel, but got no response...

"Raina dammit! Don't outrun meaaAA!" Yet, before I could finish my sentence, something tripped my leg, causing me to fall face flat on the ground...

"The, hell..." I shake my head and turn to look behind me, towards my leg. A small tentacle warped around it...

"... I'm, screwed..." I whisper. And the ground, start to slowly shake...

While still on the ground, I roll to my back and ready my white, fire elemental sniper rifle. And then switch its mode to 'flamethrower'...

A few seconds pass, and the ground stops shaking...


Only for it to burst open right below my feet, a giant, rocklike worm blasting off the ground with a loud screech, towering over me as its single, glowing yellow eye locked itself on me.

"Burn you fucker! Buuuurn! AHHHRRRGG!" I scream as I pull the trigger, a giant stream of fire engulfing the worm...

The giant monstrosity screeches as it sways backward, then screeches even louder as it dove straight into the flames, making a beeline towards me...

"Shit!" I reflexively close my eyes and look away, waiting for the thing to tear me apart...


Yet, nothing...

I open one of my eyes as I turn to look towards where the worm should be at. But, no worm was there. Instead, the thing was now warped around me, weighing me down....

"The fu..." Before I could even blink at the weirdness, the worm tightens its body around me. A, flowery scent? Coming off of it?...

"The fuuuuuu?" And then, I felt my neck, getting wet. Even though, I was wearing full body armor...

"Rape, whi, stle..." I groaned as I started to feel my consciousness fade...

Soon, I could feel nothing. Other than that wet feeling on my neck that is. And that something, was weighing me down...

And after some time, slowly, my consciousness started to once again return...

As I opened my eyes again, the first thing I saw. Was a purple-haired head. Well ok, the 'first' thing I saw as a white ceiling, but who cares about that. Then, I figured out 'why' I kept feeling weighed down, as that purple-haired head, had a body. And that body was on top of me. I'm also pretty sure by now. That that head, in other words Saeko, which was 'nibbling' on my neck right, was also the one that was giving off this 'flowery' scent...

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