Calm? Before the storm

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1 Day until Z-Day, Morning.

*annoying alarm noises*


*annoying alarm noises intensifies*


Five minutes later, another alarm starts going off.

*The most annoying sound in the world arrived to provide backup for the annoying alarm noises*

The ear-piercing medley of sounds made me jump on my bed. My phone, the piece of technology responsible for that unholy sound, laying right next to my ear, going off in full volume... I forcefully silenced the alarm while simultaneously glaring at the screen in front of me.

"Ughhhh... who's the idiot that had the bright idea of putting 'that' as an alarm..."


Laying on the bed while looking at the alarm's configuration on my phone as I try to decide on an alarm tone.

"There's no way I'll be able to wake up in four hours just from the normal alarm. Sadly, it seems I'll have to resort to some headache inducing methods."



I put my hands on the temples of my head as I tried to massage the headache out of them.

"I was right about waking up at least... and of getting a headache."

I groggily get out of the bed and head towards the bathroom to splash some water to my face in order to wake up...

After almost drowning myself in the sink I head out of the bathroom and sit by my desk before looking at the computer screen.

"Last day of peace huh, or at least it should be if the outbreak starts the same day it did in the anime... though, now that I think about it. Even if it doesn't happen, I'm still in as deep shit as ever."

Shaking the morbid thought out of my head I get up from the chair and get dressed in my uniform so I can head out.

"I'll have to get something to eat on my way to school. I also need to figure out what to do there as I have no plans for today. Probably some last minute physical training. What with Kohta and hiding a weapon at school I've been neglecting it somewhat. Not that one day of training would do much at this point, but the more the merrier...Hmm, I should also decide whether I should try to make contact with the rest of the group without looking like a creeping weirdo... Yeah, good luck with that me."

I put the screwdriver in my bag, so that I don't end up somehow forgetting it home during Z-Day, then pocket the keys and head out of the apartment.

After making a brief stop at the usual convenience store and buying something to eat, I continued making my way towards the school.

"YAWN... ughhh... I'm getting sleepy again. I'll fall asleep in class like this."

On my way to school I decided to keep my eyes open for any signs of unusual disturbances. Sirens blaring, emergency vehicles rushing by, or even a panicking pedestrian, really, anything that could be used as proof for a sign of what is about to come.

"What could be considered a sign though? If I were to meet a shambling corpse, then it would be too late too matter. And if I start seeing cop cars and ambulances sprinting left and right that would also mean that it's too late"

Giving up as fast as I started, I stopped bothering to look for signs of an upcoming zombie apocalypse and picked up my pace.

Once I made my way to school I went to my class and slumped down on my desk.

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