The bailout

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Do you know how it feels when the Tv is on, and there's a random chump talking nonstop, yet the only thing you hear is static?

That would be the perfect example of what is going on with me right now.

Shido, after being 'elected' leader, has been on a killing spree. He won't shut his goddamn mouth up, not even for a minute. And to add even more fuel to this retarded flame, his group is now giving me the stink eye, while Shido keeps trying to fan the flames.

"We must protect ourselves from whatever threat will try to tear us apart. Monsters! Do not always look like monsters. We need to act like a group, help each other, and weed out the ones that would try to harm us." Shido kept on spouting shit, while the idiots on the back with mouths agape were looking at him like they just met a god-damn superhero.

(Luckily for me we are stuck in traffic. Otherwise, they would probably try to throw me out in the first group of corpses they could see. So I could just let the whole thing play out as it did in the anime. But the idea of staying in this bus with Shido and his group of lunatics any longer is a big no no.)

I then turn my attention back to the map.

(After getting away from the crashed bus, it didn't take us too long to get stuck in traffic. Even if we were not trying to go over the bridge this time around, we still ended up funneled here. As most roads were not in a condition for the bus to pass through in order for us to go where we wanted to. Being it, crashed cars or police blockades, we ended up forced to come here along with every other escaping citizen and their cars.)

I turn my head away from the map and look outside.

"Miss Marikawa, I don't think we'll be able to change routes like this. All the exits are blocked and the only way to go is towards the bridge. And by the speed we're going now, we won't be over that bridge even by tomorrow noon." I say to Shizuka before turning my head back to the map.

Shizuka herself was pretty much falling asleep on the wheel as I spoke up. She sighs before taking her hands off the steering wheel, stretching her body.

"And it's not even night yet." She complained lazily.

(That's not the problem here you natural blond. I need to figure out a way to make 'my' group bail the bus. I'm NOT spending my night right next to the Shidobear. There's also something else I want to do, and if I can do it during or right before night time, all the better. So, guess it is time to try and persuade my new friends.)

I get off my seat and walk up to Kohta and Saya. Both of them turned their heads to me, Saeko who was only a seat away also turned to look at me.

"I think now it's a good time I tell you all why I looked like total crap when I got on the bus." Turning my sight to Saeko she nodded and leaned towards my direction. I motion with my head for them to come to the front of the bus.

"Not here. Also, do not come all at once. That would turn Shido's attention to us, I don't need to deal with his crap right now."

I head back to my chair and start packing my stuff. One by one, the rest of the group walked to the front of the bus and took a seat close to me.

Thankfully, Shido was too busy drowning in the admiration of his fans to realize that all four of us had gathered in the front of the bus.

"So what happened?" Saeko asks.

"Shido happened, while we were still inside the school." I say as I turn my sight to the back of the bus.

"You met with Shido before you decided to ram into him?" Saya asks as she tilts her head and raises an eyebrow.

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