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2 days until Z-day.

(Alright, let's go over today's plan one more time.)

Right now I was standing next to the entrance of the school, looking at the building that was towering in front of me.

(My two main targets for today are, Kohta and the school's athletic equipment. I could start by looking around my class as I'm going to need a good location that I can easily reach to hide things that can cave somebody's head in. Maybe one of the unused lockers nearby? When the panic starts it will be easy to find an excuse as for why I had a weapon like a bat with me, not so much when it's a normal school day though. I will also stick with a normal baseball bat, cause you know what they say, don't fix it if it ain't broken.

Now the school definitely has baseball bats, since I remember Takashi using one in the anime, plus, I've also seen them being used in some school activities. Now, I have also seen the shed that teachers take the equipment to in order to store them. Problem is, they lock the door, so I will have to find a way to get in and 'borrow' a bat. Then get out without alerting half the school.

Going to the storage shed after the panic starts is also a big nope. It's outside of the main building and I don't wanna be stuck with the masses when they start to stampede towards the exits. So that leaves me to resort to... ughh, lick up to today's gym teacher and help him carry the equipment back to the storage, then find a way to get rid of him so I can 'work' in peace.

Now out of the usual people teaching gymnastics, we have the cult leader of the psychopathic perverts, and Mister zombie chow #1 aka Shido and Teshima. Of course there are other teachers that assist in P.E... but they will all be dead before the month ends and were never shown in the anime, so I didn't bother to learn who they were.)

With that thought in mind, I started making my way towards the side of the school to my left. PE classes were held there and the storage shed was also there. I had a little 'plan B' in mind, I just needed to check the storage building. If I'm lucky, I can evade the bootlicking.

After making my way through the track field next to the main building, I looked at the structure across it. It was not an impressive-looking, more like a run-down apartment really, about one and a half stories tall and made out of concrete.

After checking my surroundings to make sure I won't have any surprise visitors I walk towards the back of the shed. There was a small alley-like space here, probably 2 to 3 people could fit next to each other, between the shed and the school's cement fence-wall. I then walked into the alley checking the back of the shed for another way to enter inside. And sure enough, I found a window, wide-open and practically begging me to climb in.

"Well, guess I won't be bootlicking any teachers after all, thank god for that"

The window was a small one, probably 40 to 50 cm wide and on a height that even if I raised my arm and stretched out I could not reach it. I was about to drop my bag on the floor and jump to reach the window, when I heard the school bells ring out.

(Alright, I know how I'm getting into the shed, but I have no time left. All I need to do now is find a place to stash the 'tools' and I'm golden.)

Smiling to myself, I walk back out of the alley and head to class. On the way to my classroom, I kept an eye out for any location I could use to hide a bat... but no cigar. Other than my locker, there doesn't seem to be any easy to reach place for me to hide it. Trouble is, my locker is a bit too far for my liking.

Getting in the class and taking my seat I started thinking about my second target for today, Kohta.

(He's probably a go home club kind of guy and since he is still suppressing his anger for his 'normal life' as he calls it. He will probably still act meek. I do not know where his class is at, but there is only one main exit, the school gates. I can just wait there and 'accidentally' bump into him, dropping the papers about the shotgun in the process. I just hope that he won't get too startled, apologize and start running or something.)

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