Good Thoughts Only-Xander

Start from the beginning

I still say that we would get there much quicker if we fly.

"I don't think that our mate trust us enough to ride on your hide. I do not wish to scare her. It would only take about an hour walking" I remind him.

It wouldn't even be five minutes if we were to fly.

He huffs like a child in my mind and I chuckle out loud. "Were you just talking to your dragon again?" she ask as I gesture for her to lead the way.

"Yeah, he is pouting like a child because I won't let him out to play" I tell her with another chuckle.

I will show you a child. They are prone to tantrums you know.

I roll my eyes at him as she chuckles too. "Well what does Ceron want to do?" she ask still looking forward.

My feet get tangled and I trip over a branch before I can stop myself. When I regain my balance My dragon has stepped forward and is sharing my gaze and my body. The joy he is putting off can't be contained at all and our face is spread into a large grin. Before I can stop him he has taken over our body and flown towards her.

He lifts her into the air as he spins her around. When he brings her back to the ground he starts to lay kisses all over her face except for her lips while she chuckles. Once he is done with the kisses he nuzzles her face with our cheek and purrs right into her ear. "Thank you my precious little flower."

Then he is gone off dancing in my mind as he sings. " On my way, do, do, do, do, do, doom. Do, do, do, do, do, doom" From the cartoon movie we watched about the animals and the ice.

Its Ice Age and you are going to be hearing it all daaaaaayy!!

"You are truly amazing" I tell her honestly as I try to convey how happy she just made me and my dragon. Her smile beams up at me as I stare at her while she is in my arms. I can feel her everywhere and at this point I wish that it could be so much more. Breaking the embrace I slowly release her and she tries to straighten her hair and robe.

"We should get going. I am starting to get hungry" she says as she continues walking. I walk next to her gayly as my dragon continues singing the only part of that song he knows. Perhaps now that he has a name I should stop calling him dragon.

Yup, my name is Ceron. The name is strong and regal just like me. And dare I say its sexy. I can imagine her screaming it now as I take her.

I groan a loud at the very thought. I paid so much attention in our health classes. As a young viral male I wanted that. To experience the that type of pleasure as it was described in books. However, we couldn't. No dragon can and I thought that I would never get to know it. Now that I know I can have the reaction I have to admit that I want to explore it.

"So I take it that he is still pestering you? How's about you tell him that if he behaves, I will tell him why I chose his name" she offers with a grin.

At that his singing finally ceases and he drops his head down to his feet as he blinks. I don't think that I have ever seen him be so obedient. I look at her in a new light as he watches me. "You are good" I tell her.

"Not good. Just observant. I have no other choice but to be" She states as we exit the forest. Now we have to stay on this trail for a bit and then we will reach the river. I wonder what her facial expression will be when she lays eyes on a kelpie for the first time.

Mate is the best

"I would say that you are biased but I think so too" I reply to him as I continue walking on the trail. But the thought does bring up another question. "Why do you say that you have no choice but to be observant?" I ask curiously.

"Well, are we wanting that total honesty to be mutual or would you like me to sugar coat it. My answer won't be pretty" she replies as she avoids my gaze.

"No true answer truly ever is. When we tell the truth it is not meant to be pretty. It is meant to open one's eyes to something that needs to be seen and felt. I will not make fun of your experiences if that is what you are worried about" I vow to her.

She seems to think about my words as her gaze takes in our surroundings. I really hope that she trust me with her truth because I want to trust her with mine. She has already seen mine even though she doesn't know the significance of it. I want to trust her with the truth of my tattoo but I'm not sure how to go about telling her.

"I went to prison because I didn't pay attention to my actions. The very actions I ignored caused me to end the lives of two people close to me. I deserved to be in prison for those actions and whatever consequences I also gain. I have learned to pay attention to as much as I can around me. The thoughts just became ten times stronger during my stay in prison. A mistake there can so easily cost someone their life" she states still not meeting my gaze.

The way she speaks I can tell that she has given me so much. However, I am left with more questions. I can feel the truth of her words and they have given me pause. She's a murderer. She didn't mention that taking the lives she took was an accident. Her sure tone almost makes me believe that she meant to do it. This is definitely worse than I thought.

I do not understand. How can she be a murderer when her aura is so pure?

As he ask the question he switches my vision to his. We search every inch of her aura but we still see no black. There is no evil or bad part to her aura. How can she still be considered a pure human if she has taken two lives as she says.

"Well, I told you that what I had to say wasn't pretty. We can just go ahead and forget this conversation" she says as she picks up her pace.

I grasp her hand before she can get to far and her feet stop. She continues to give me her back instead of letting me see her face. "My silence wasn't because of what you told me. I just do not understand how someone so pure can believe themselves to be so evil" I tell her.

As the words leave my lips she whirls angrily to face me. "Let's get one thing straight. I am not pure and I am no angel. No matter how much you want me to be one. I have done wrong in my life and I wish to atone for my sins. I get that you the almighty alpha would love to have a pure mate. I'm sorry that for some reason you were stuck with one as sullied as me. I already told you that I don't want this bond. This just proves to be another reason why it will not work" She says as she huffs and puffs.

"You have not even given the bond a chance. I believe that since I am in this bond too that I should have part in the decision to whether or not it will work. I do not disregard what you just told me. I simply do not understand it when I can see the pureness of your aura" I state getting angry at her rejection.

"Then my aura is a lie" she says snatching her hand away from mine.

"It is the one thing about a person that does not lie. You are mistaken about how "evil" you truly are" I say putting quotations in the air around the word.

"This conversation is over. Can we continue with this other errand so that I can return to my room" she says as she folds her arms.

"Very well then" I say as I start to cut through the trees. "Kelsie, I am here as you asked" I call aloud as I approach the river. The water starts to swirl as it forms a vortex and my feet step to the edge. Kicking off my shoes I place my feet in the water as I turn to back to my mate.

"Do not touch any of the horses you see. They are known to drag a person down to the depths to drown. This river make look small but these creatures control all waters" I warn her as she steps closer. My words halt her steps as she eyes the water more carefully now. As I turn back to face it, I see the shape of a horse starting to form above the vortex.

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