Chapter Fourty-Nine

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Charlie remained silent, breathing heavily. The voice, more beastly than human, that had come from the little Astrea's mouth made him tremble with fear. It was obvious that this girl was a vampire, but she looked nothing like Edward or Bella. Her fiery red eyes were riveted on the Holy Mother ; her whole body, right down to her stance, was reminiscent of a hunter ready to devour his prey. Her continuous growling made him shiver with terror, and her fangs just inches from the face of the woman in the white coat made him feel deep disgust. The vampire's fingers were tightened around the Holy Mother's neck, and she was having more and more difficulty breathing. Her face became redder and redder as the vampire tightened her fingers. Astrea Cullen opened her mouth again, repeating her question. Her anger was even more palpable.

- Where... is... Carlisle ?

The Holy Mother, unable to speak, simply turned her head towards the door behind him. The vampire followed his gaze, and Charlie was petrified with terror. If Astrea Cullen frightened him, her gaze on him was even worse than death. Like a tiger staring at a deer, the little vampire stood still for what seemed like hours to the sheriff. Finally she released the Holy Mother, who lay on the ground, almost dead. Charlie felt his heartbeat quicken. The little vampire came at him with lightning speed, but didn't touch him a millimeter. As if he didn't exist, she walked past him, and threw herself at the metal door that had resisted Edward and Bella so much. Apparently, this rule did not apply to Astrea Cullen, because her entire body thrown at lightning speed against the door tore it apart like paper. Charlie barely managed to get out of the way so as not to be hit by pieces of metal and plaster again. He stepped back, eyes fixed on the door split in two, and tripped over his revolver ; he abruptly ended his fall on the floor, still forbidden by what he had just seen.


This time she was going to go through with it. If last time Elder had arrived in time, now her time had come. She would have liked to move, and run away before the vampire came back to return the favor, but none of her muscles would obey. Lying on the ground, she struggled to regain her normal breathing. Black dots danced before her eyes, and her head felt heavier than usual. But while her body refused to move, her brain was reviving and anger was boiling inside her. She couldn't die here ! It was out of the question! She had to live, to finish what she had started, for the sake of humanity. Gathering her last strength once again, the Holy Mother managed to move her arms slowly. She rolled over onto her stomach to support her legs more easily and slowly rose to her feet. Her head was spinning, but at least she was standing. She took a deep breath, and reached into her pocket for her weapon. Where was it ? She looked around on the floor. Perhaps it had fallen out of her pocket when the vampire had savagely jumped on her ? When she didn't see it, her anger increased and she gritted her teeth to keep from screaming in rage. Nothing was going her way ! Nothing at all! Her breathing quickened with the anger that was screaming inside her. She looked around once more, despite the incessant pounding in her temples. She had to find her weapon ! She made a turn on herself and finally found her most precious possession. Hidden in the corner of the wall, she was waiting for it. The Blessed Mother took a few wobbly steps forward to get it. When she bent down to pick it up, she almost fell to the floor, but barely caught herself on the wall in front of her. Panting, she turned to go to the exit door ; but her weapon was heavier than she had expected and her arms had trouble carrying it. Her legs were threatening to wobble under its weight, and her head was spinning badly. But she was making progress, that was the main thing. No one was paying any attention to her; this was a golden opportunity not to be missed.


- Astrea ! Garrett shouted as he ran for his life.

Followed closely by Alice, Rosalie and Esme, the ex-nomad was running at full speed through the basement corridors. Having heard Astrea's scream and then felt the rage that invaded her, Garrett had done his best to be faster. He had to get to her at all costs, before something bad happened to her. Astrea was his whole life, he couldn't lose her. Not now, after all they had been through together.

- Astrea ! He shouted again, foaming with rage and despair.

Why did this hallway never end ? When would he finally get to the end ? Determined to get to his being-whole, the ex-nomad almost missed the gaping hole to his left, and turned at the last minute, hitting the opposite wall. Alice and Rosalie caught him in time before he sprawled on the ground, and he instinctively resumed his run before his feet even touched the ground. He needed to get to her as soon as possible.


Edward quickened his pace when he heard Garrett's voice. Why had he returned ? From the sound of it, Astrea was there too. Had she lost control again ? Where were they ? Following his instincts, he walked along the corridor in silence, looking left and right to avoid losing any essential information. He had heard several rumblings, then Garrett yelling Astrea's name at the top of his lungs. The high-pitched howl that everyone in the basement must have heard was starting to scare him. He was sure it was Astrea's scream, but why had she screamed? What was wrong with her ? Had she been caught again ?

He turned to his right, praying that Bella was okay.


- Daddy !

His daughter's voice snapped him out of his trance, and the sheriff turned his head in her direction.

- Bella...

He turned his head around them and frowned.

- Where is Edward ? He asked in alarm.

- We split up to look for the Holy Mother faster. She explained. What's going on with you ?

Charlie opened and closed his mouth, unable to find the words to express what he had seen. Bella helped him to stand up and gave him his gun. The girl then noticed the cracked door.

- You found another way to open it ? She asked him, surprised.

While he answered her, they both went towards the famous metal door.

- Well, it's a long story... But be careful, I don't really know what we're going to find behind this door... Grumbled the sheriff while gradually recovering his senses.

Or on the contrary, I know it only too well... He thought darkly. He didn't want to scare Bella, but that didn't mean they shouldn't be on guard. He took a deep breath and slowly walked forward, gun in hand.


Astrea rushed at Carlisle when she saw him on his knees. A groan of compassion passed her lips, and she crouched at her father's side. She gently took his face in her hands, whispering his name so that he would come to. Gasping, he couldn't open his eyelids because of the pain, but he let it happen.

Movement to their right startled Astrea, but when she realized it was only Bella, she turned her attention back to Carlisle. Gently removing the locks of hair that fell over her eyes, the little vampire kept whispering reassuring words so that the doctor would not fall back into unconsciousness.

She was so obsessed with her task that she didn't hear the click of the gun, even though it was only a few meters away. Nor did she notice the movement to her right, just behind her, as Charlie raised his gun towards her.


A new chapter every two days from ten o'clock (French time)!

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