Tomura gave him a small look "So how is she?" he asked as he tried to look at the monitor as well my turning his head.

"She's doing just fine." *The man smiled softly as he motioned for the monitor to move closer to the alchemist.*

The alchemist smiled as the saw the small Coí inside him in white, black and grey. "Thank you doctor." he spoke as his eyes inspected the unborn girl.

*The man nodded with a smile.* "It's my pleasure, Young One."

He smiled at him as he let him continue with the procedure and checking if the unborn girl looked alright and was positioned correctly.

*A little while later, the check up was finished. The doctor turned to Tomura and bowed slightly.* "We're done here, Young One."

"Okay, what will we do next?" he asked as he fixed his clothes and sat up again.

*The doctor took Tomura to another few rooms to finish the visit. The visit took about 2-2 1/2 hours before they were finally finished. Dabi turned to them when he heard the doctors voice talking to Tomura. He stood up and folded his arms over his chest. When the two men appeared, the half-breed made his way over. He wrapped his arms around Tomura, holding him close.* "How is everything? You two are okay, right?"

"Yeah we both are fine. I just need to take it a bit slower now and all that. But how are you Dabi?" He smiled at the man as he gave him a small kiss on the cheek.

"Good." *Dabi nodded as he kissed the alchemist's forehead gently.*

"I'm just a little exhausted now." He turned to the doctor again "So what is the plan now doc? Where do I get my advice from?"

*The doctor hummed.* "There's a doctor north of here named Jurumi. She'll take care of you."

"Thank you doctor." Tomura gave a bow. "If you could tell us where exactly we can find her that would be great."

"There's a small town just past the Ekizo Forest. Small but rich. Her office is in the middle of the town."

"Thank you. We'll make sure to visit her as soon as possible." he gave another bow to the man.

*The doctor smiled.* "Oh please, no need to bow to me, Tomura!"

"I am still glad that you do this for me..for us." he smiled at him, "Just know that whenever you might need some help, we will gladly provide it." he lifted his body up again.

*The man gave Tomura a soft smile as he nodded.* "I'll hold your word to that."

"Well then it would be time for us to leave. It was great to see you and we are thankful for the help you provided us." he took Dabi's hand smiling.

*The doctor nodded.* "Alright! Take care!"

*The half-breed gave him a soft nod as he squeezed Tomura's hand.*

"We'll see each other again." He gave a smile as he opened the door and waved at the man as they left. After he closed the door behind them and had walked a bit away he turned to his mate and asked "How far is the village away?"

*Dabi gave a small shrug.* "About an hours flight from here."

"You think you can do that? You still have that project and I do not wish to take away more time than necessary. And theoretically speaking you just have to bring me there once. I can teleport the rest of the time."

*The dragon shook his head.* "The project can wait." *He planted a kiss on Tomura's head before misted took over his body. In the human's place, a large abyssal creature took his place.*

The man smiled as his hands brushed over the hard and warm scales of the dragon. "You never fail to amaze me in your dragon form love." he kissed his neck gently.

*The dragon gave a low growl of amusement. He carefully helped nudge Tomura up onto his back so he wouldn't hurt himself doing so.*

The alchemist then gentle held onto one of the dragon's spikes, being extra careful with his stomach. "Well the let's go then I guess." he giggled at the end.

*Dabi gave a brief nod. He slowly lifted into the air and flew off in the direction they were told.*

Tomura's smile got brighter as they were flying. He loved flying, the wind and seeing everything from above is amazing to him. He loved every second.

*The dragon's tail swayed back and forth as he flew.*

Tomura gave a giggle as he enjoyed the feeling of freedom while flying. He gave a big smile as they continued to fly and get closer to their destination.

*Dabi looked back over his shoulder at Tomura. The dragon smiled a little when he saw the alchemist's happy face.*

Like predicted an hour later they landed near the entrance of the town. Tomura got of Dabi's back to let him teleport back into his half-breed form.

*The half-breed turned to Tomura and gave him a smile. Gently, he ran his hand through his mate's hair in order to fix it.*

He smiled as he took his other hand just to hold it. He really enjoyed Dabi running his hands through his white longish hair.

*Dabi gave his mate a low smile. He gently planted a kiss on his forehead.* "You're so beautiful..."

"Oh well thank you." he purred out as he gave him a kiss. "I love you too Dabi, so so much actually."

*The dragon smiled.* "I love you too, Tomu."

He took his hand and pointed with the other to the entrance. "So you wanna go now?" He asked with a smile on his scarred lips.

*Dabi nodded.* "Yeah. Let's go get this done."

1602 words

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