chapter 59

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it's been a few days since I joined Las nevadas. I was forced to work as a maid/butler. it isn't as bad as you'd think. Charlie, one of quackity's friends, was really nice. he would try to convince me that he was a human and definitely not a humanoid slime.

quackity has also been nice. it was as if we were friends again. he got an extension to the house. that turned out to be my room. and he wasn't that bossy. sure he would drink a lot but that's all.

on my break, I would usually talk to the other workers here. it was mostly me talking to fundy and foolish. I would occasionally talk to purpled. and when quackity gives me a whole day off, I would visit Philza and lucky. why wouldn't I?

today was a bit different. quackity was working in his office so I needed to bring him his lunch. when I got to his office, we started to talk like normal.
"how's everything been? like living here?"
before I could answer, the door bursts open.

there revealed the man I really didn't want to see. his trench coat flew behind him as he stepped inside the office. his eyes were focused on quackity but soon looked over at me.
"Y/N? darling, I've been looking for you! I've searched your house and even phill's! he said he didn't know where you were!"

I felt very uncomfortable by the nickname he would always use. his boots clanked on the floor as he walked towards me. his hand reached for my chin so I would look up at him. his red eyes glowed as he looked at me.

"let go of them, Wilbur."
quackity obviously sounded annoyed. it was laced in his voice.
"and why would I do that?"
Wilbur looked down to my hand. the ring ghosbur gave me was still on.
"where did you get that ring?"
"ghostbur gave it to me.."
my voice faltered to below a whisper.

"I think that's enough. Y/N, can you stay with Charlie while I have a talk with Wilbur here."
quackity asked. I nodded and left the room. as soon as I shut the door, loud screams were heard behind me.


me and Charlie were just talking. he was still trying to convince me that he was a human.
"Y/N from l'mamburg, what do you think of quackiry from Las nevadas?"
"well, he's great I guess. he's been a really good friend and all. some times I see him more than that. but I doubt he would feel the same."
I answered his question.
"quackity from Las nevadas says a lot of things about you. he told me not to tell anyone because it's a secret."

we continued to talk until midnight. both quackity and Charlie was asleep at this time. but like always, I couldn't sleep. I was having nightmeres again. yeah, sounds childish. but it's about Wilbur.


it was a cold and frosty day. Wilbur has become completely insane. he didn't trust anyone. schlatt has been more alcoholic and I was forced to stay by his side. the amount of bloodshed I've had because of this man is unreal. sometimes I just wanted to grab my knife and slit his throat myself.

today was apparently 'the day'. dooms day. Wilbur kept mumbling about this random day. he keeps going missing and randomly appearing again as well. I was just about to put all my armour on again and go into the unfinished battle.

more and more blood baths. my whole team was now surrounding the one that put us through so much pain. the green man himself.
"look! I surrender!"
dream shouted. that confused us all but I made sure not to put my guard down. he could be planning something.

"schlatt is a huge dick. I'll help you kill him!"
his offer was simple but suspicious. he made a deal with schlatt and now he want to kill him?

we all followed dream to the van. the hod dog van that had so many stories and memories. mostly selling drugs at the start then somehow turning into some kind of revaluation.

when we all entered, we saw that abusive father. he was drunk and slouching on the ground. he lingered a strong sent of alcohol. a bottle was still in his hands. a shiver went down my spine as I remembered memories of my old life.

when I wasn't paying attention, schlatt tried to attack both me and fundy. he was screaming something about us betraying him and about how much he's done for us. it didn't really bother me since I was looking for the missing Philza and Wilbur.

I walked out of the small van after schlatt had his heart attack. it didn't take long for me to find the pair because the loud arguing between the two.

"whats going on?"
I asked, confused. I then saw Phil with a sword and Wilbur looking as crazed as ever. the room was filled with writing and arrows pointing  to a button that sat behind Wilbur.
"wilbur, what are you doing? what does that button do?"

"oh dear, Y/N. my sweet Y/N. I'm sorry.."
wilbur's voice sounded broken. like he's been crying.

"Y/N, mate, why don't you leave. let us deal with this,"
"not until you tell me what's going on!"
I was being quite stubborn. but who wouldn't at this time?

"fine. why don't you get us some food. we need to heal up after the battle."
i knew I wasn't going to win this argument and stormed off. I went to go grab some food like Phil told me to do. it was strange why they both wanted me out so quickly.

I managed to overhear about Tommy being president. he ended up giving his role to tubbo because dream still had his discs. obviously, I was really happy for the both of them. no actually, I was happy for everyone. finally, we seemed to be at peace after schlatt died! now that I say that out loud, it sounds really bad. but he was a horrible person!

I walked back to the father and son with the food.
"EVERYTHING THAT I BUILT THIS NATION FOR! it was never meant to be.."
i overhear before I actually walk into the room once again. Wilbur had his hand on the wall next to the button. it was incredible close. his head was pushed against that same wall. his had was hovering over it. the thing that, I'm guessing, could distroy this nation.

was all I could whisper before he pressed the button. my voice only rang through his head once he did it. he snapped his head towards his father, completely ignoring me.
"I'm not going to kill you! you're my son!"
"but Phil, look what I did! I distroyed this whole nation!"
"I'm not going to kill you, mate!"
"please Phil! it's the only thing that I wish for!"

their voices were somehow heard over the explosions and the other shouts. his father's blade soon connected with wilbur's chest. right through the heart. my cries were drowned out by the other noises.

i ran over to Wilbur while philza held onto the blade and dropped to his knees. he hugged his child. blood dripped from his mouth. his breath was staggered and uneven. he put a hand on my cheek.
"I love you, Y/N."

(bro get used to this sad romantic cringe shit.)

I shot out of my bed, my heart beating out of my chest. the annoying alarm clock was playing its loud beeping to wake me up. After I rubbed the tiredness out of my eyes, I got up. I would need to make breakfast for everyone and deal with my shitty life in this place again.


sorry for the big delay on this chapter. I had nothing again and my parents kept forcing me to go out. then I had school today and got lost on the bus back home. plus, I have a fucking test tomorrow. like who tf gives a test right after the first day of school!?

<3 byeee! have an excellent rest of your day! <3

Welcome to the world of hell (DSMP)On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara