chapter 50

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it was already time. I stood in a community house, in the shadows. it was flooded with water. I was late so I didn't hear what Dream said at the start.
"L'manburg will blow up! everything is going to blow up by tomorrow!"
"oh yeah!? who's going to help you?"
Tommy screamed. so I guess he still did what I didn't want him to.

this was my cue. I stepped out of the shadows. the tapping of my boots were the only sound.
"Y/N, do you have the withers?"
"hell yeah!"
I stood next to him and put my arm on his shoulder to support me up. there was chatter in the small croud of L'manburg.

"what? Y/N, this is your home! all your friends are here! why would you want to blow it up?"
the young president of this country asked me.

"correction, this was my home. you all were my friends. plus, L'manburg is the root of all of our problems. can't you see it? Tommy's exile and suffering TWICE came from L'manburg. wilbur's death and so many other's death came from L'manburg. and, this is what Technoblade would've done."
I took a deep breath and stared into the brunette's eyes. he was on the vurge of tears.

"I'm just completing what Wilbur and Technoblade couldn't. y'know, if it wasn't for L'manburg, I might've been married to Wilbur."
I took off the ring that ghostbur gave me and placed it on my finger.

Dream continued to talk but I was stuck in thought. was this really a good thing? would this ever turn out well?
"what ever happened to you, Y/N? you changed. you changed a lot."
Tommy asked while inturupting Dream. I looked at him then looked at Niki since she was able to speak.

"yeah, Tommy's right. what ever happened to the determined person that I used to know? where they would do anything to protect their family. the person in this picture!"
niki screamed the last part as she pointed to a picture she pulled out of her pocket. it was the whole of L'manburg. when Wilbur was in control. everyone was so happy.

there was a pang in my heart.
"that person? hardly know them, darling. that was the old me. I'm not some stupid bitch that will follow fake friends and family. that picture you're holding there is Y/N when they were actually stable and not insane. I'm just following in wilbur's footsteps."

I just left. I didn't want to hear all their stupid screams and begging. I should probably visit Philza. I haven't seen him in a while.


"Jesus. you're really doing all of that?"
"yeah. but what happens if it doesn't work. what happens if they hate me after?"
"Well you can stay here after. I don't really mind since no one is really around."

after visiting the old man, I couldn't go home. Tommy was still there. so he just convinced me to stay with him. I hesitated at first but then agreed.


it was nice to finally talk to him after so long. he had an endless supply of random stories. a pleasant environment with a father figure, talking about adventures. that was all I needed after so much stress. but would it be good to help?

my thoughts wandered more. I was basically spaced out.
"hey mate, you okay? you've been staring at the wall for a while now?"
"o-oh. nothing. just a lot on my mind."

he hummed in response. I could practically see what he was about to ask. it was in his father instincts.
"you wanna talk about it?"
I just nodded.

I got off the floor and sat on the couch, next to him. I then started to explain everything on my mind. even tearing up at some parts.


"is your gut telling you to blow up L'manburg?"
my head snapped towards him. a confused expression plastered on my face.
"maybe. but would it be the best thing to do? L'manburg caused so much pain to everyone but they just seem to not notice. I would hurt so many of my friends. and maybe even hurt your last son."

there was only silence in the room. that was until it was inturupted by a knock on the door.
"you stay there, mate. I'll get it."
he got off the couch and opened the door. Philza's black wings blocked most of my view to the door. he then moved to the side for you to see who stood there.

"Y/N, dream wants to talk to you in private."
I got up and went outside with the masked man.

"tomorrow, at 3pm. that's when it will all be blown up, got it? don't be late."
he started to walk away but stopped once I spoke.
"is this the best option? is it the only one? I really don't want to hurt my friends."

"it's the only option. and you said it yourself, they aren't your friends. but fine, if you want to go help them and eventually be betrayed. then go. just font come crawling back to me once they do that.
"fine. I'll help you. I'll see you tomorrow."

(MMMMMM. MANIPULATION. been there, love that. but manipulation sucks. your a fucking dick if you manipulate people for fun or just to get something.)

I walked back inside. a bit of snow stuck to my boots.
"what did you guys talk about?"
"nothing really important. just when I needed to be there."
"well it's getting late. you'll need some rest for tomorrow. and make sure you go easy on Tommy, since he's the last of my sons."

"I'll protect him. I promise to not let you down Phill!"
he chuckled softly.
"then get off to bed. you'll need some rest for the big day tomorrow."

I walked to my bedroom. thoughts still running through my head. Technoblade would've wanted this. so would Wilbur. I'm just finishing his job. they'll be happy and proud of me.

I'm doing the right thing..


definitely haven't been procrastinating again. my brain is empty. brain cells? what are those?

byeee. have an awesome rest of your day!

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