chapter 16

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Sorry for not uploading yesterday. Y'know how life is. Makes it feels like hell. Well basically yesterday, I was forced to go to the movies. That sounds nice, right? No. Not with my family at least. We always argue and I needed to write a chapter and remember my lines in the quacking musical. I didn't get to do that yesterday. I got really tired and unmotivated because of them. Anyway, you might already know who said y/n's name already. I mean it's kinda obvious. Anyways, let's start!

A familiar yet strange voice echoed my name. I turn around to see,
I hug him tight. I didn't want to let him go. I missed him so much. After a few minutes, he gently pushed me away to stop the hug.
"Y/ shouldn't be here. How are you even here. It's not safe here."

I looked at him slightly confused.
"I excaped from Dream after me and George got into an argument. Well all of us were involved in it, but he said something that made me run away."

Footsteps slowly got closer when I finished speeking. How perfectly timed. (Sorry that there is quite a lot of speech. I'm really stupid and forgot how to do speech properly. Sad life.)
"Wilbur, who are you talking to?" Wilbur quickly hid me behind him. There stood a pink haired man. Even though he had long, pink bubblegum hair, he looked really threatening. Who was he?

*All the Techno simps be coming out of their cave that they all camp in. They all look at him and admire him.*

Their conversation lasted a while. It was just the random person asking who was behind Wilbur and just Wilbur moving so he could protect me with his back. He started to get frustrated and pushed Wilbur out of the way gently. Well not really but just kinda push him out of the way where he doesn't get hurt and yeah.

There stood a man that was really tall. He towered over me like Wilbur.
(Wiki says 5'8 but idk. So tall man here.) He looked somewhat shocked as he stared at my 'eyes' and how ripped up my clothes were.

(Okay look, I know I keep breaking the 4th wall and jumping into the story but, just imagen you drew little dots on the cloth like Dream's mask.)

Bis ruby red eyes started to glow. Tommy came out of the door that we were in front. The blond boy looked at both of us while we had a starting contest. He sneeked past up and up to Wilbur.
"What are they doing? What happened? I was just sleeping and found that y/n wasn't in their bed."
Tommy whispered quite loud. it was impossible to not hear him.

We continued to stare as the man's eyes glowed more and more. It was more pigmented now. The man that Wilbur called 'Techno' turned around and looked at Tommy.
"Don't look at me. They could of died. I'm not letting myself lose another friend."
Tommy shrugged while saying.
Techno sighed at his excuse and looked back at me to see me missing.

Now I stood at the entrance of the cave. How did I get there? ..Magic...and drugs that Quackity sold me. Anyways. The drugs were good. Sorry my humor is broken.
Without hesitation, Tommy distracted me while Techno grabbed my hands and put it behind my back. Now I was in the position of being trapped. Before I could scream or comprehend what happened properly, something hit my head. It knocked me out.

Techno pov:

Now they were knocked out in my arms. What a strange person. Most of the time, people would either bow down to me or fear me. It was all because I had the title of 'The Blood God' or 'The Blade'. It was obvious that they didn't know me. But how? Everyone knows me since I'm wanted like every where.

author pov real quick:

Like my brother always says, 'I'm wanted in all 50 states because I committed tax fraud'. He says it as a joke okay people! And we also don't live in America, so yeah. Our humor is very broken.

Techno carried them back to the room they woke up in and tucked them in. He couldn't help but wonder. Wonder about them. They were...cute. To him at least. He never got this feeling by someone. Especially if it's someone he just met. He made his way to the doorframe and looked at them one last time. His heart skipped a beat to see them sleeping so peacefully. Like they had no worry in the world.

Morning arose from the dark void of the night. Since the room didn't have any windows, it was still dark since the lantern went out. Someone entered the room they were sleeping in.

Y/n pov:

The door slowly creeked open. My eyes start to flutter open but was quickly blurred by the dark room. A few seconds go by. The room echoed with a sound of a matchstick being lit. That small light slightly emitted the room. It was brought up to the candle/lantern in the room and it caught fire. This spreaded the light generously across the room. My eyes quickly adjusted to the dimmly lit room.

The door closed again, only for me to realise that my mask was missing (I'm calling the eye covering a mask now). I looked around the room since there was light now, to see it folded in the corner of the room. I raced over to it and wrapped it around my head again. I made my way out of the room. Conversations were heard. They sounded like a whispers from where I was.

I made my way around the cave to find everyone. There was new voices as I wondered around the cave. I enter a room where everyone was. My eyes were shocked to see the people in the room.

"Y/n? Why are you here?"


Byeee! Love you all and I will forever! Have a good rest of your day!

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